Need help with Van Halen effects


Fractal Fanatic
Hey you all!

Disclaimer: I've never ventured into attempting anything from Van Halen. I just don't have that talent or his fingers.

My cover band democratically decided to play "Dance the night away". Technically, I'll manage. My problem is the tone and effects. My ear isn't good enough to figure it out, so I need some guidance

I will look in AxeChange, though my success rate there has been very low. Oh, also, I'm using vintage hardware: II XL (so I can't dip into shared III presets).


First, the tone. Suggestions for the amp block and its settings? And the cab block?

Second, and more importantly, the effects. Particularly in that song (Dance the night away), my ear doesn't get it at all. It's lush (but clear), with a lot of processing going on (but subtle), and I don't hear anything that sticks out (unlike some other VH material where, for example, a phaser is unmistakable). The song just oozes with high quality production, and a richness that I can't even begin to figure out.

I really need help with this one, and thank you in advance for any tips.
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