Need help with expression pedal choice.


Tried looking through some threads but am still not sure...

I am looking to purchase a Mission Engineering expression pedal, but am not sure which one I need. I will not be using it as a wah so I do not need a switch on it, just for volume/swells. Which model should I purchase?

Thanks for the help!
Have had
Ernie Ball
Ended up getting a Fractal EV-1 for pretty much what you just mentioned, in the end now have 4 EV-1's two for my AX8 and two for MFC.
Hands down my favorite.
The Fractal pedals have a nice wide sweep (pedal travel) thanks to the planetary gearing they use (smooth all the way through even with a loose clutch setting), I find the pedal very easy to leave in a parked/cocked position and be able to walk away without it moving
In the case of the Ernie Ball you need a cable TRS on one end and the other end (two) TS connectors
The TRS for the AX8 and the two TS connectors for the in/out on the volume pedal

Thanks for the help!

Probably go that route right now, $6 cable better than < $130.
I have tried different pedals, pretty much everything except Mission
I now use a Fractal EV-2 for volume and Fractal EV-1 for wah/alternate expression control.

As I use the volume control a lot more than the other expression features, I prefer the smaller footprint of the EV-2 but like the EV-1 for wide sweeps I like for wah and whammy specifically. Just my preference in terms of which however, the Fractal EV pedals are excellent and my others are either sold or gathering dust. Do not regret buying them whatsoever.
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