Name calling


Am appalled by the name calling on another thread on this forum. Lets all try to find things in common instead of the toxic words. In the words of Neil Peart "the more we think we know about, the greater the unknown". In the words of God " a kind word turns away wrath". We are all brothers here. Love to you all in this holiday season. May you all be blessed in the presence of those that you love and those that love you.
Agreed, there's never a need to go there. In general, however, I've noticed that the forum users here have always been pretty good about being courteous, even when disagreeing. I've been to forums where you'll get flamed just for asking the wrong question.
Am appalled by the name calling on another thread on this forum. Lets all try to find things in common instead of the toxic words. In the words of Neil Peart "the more we think we know about, the greater the unknown". In the words of God " a kind word turns away wrath". We are all brothers here. Love to you all in this holiday season. May you all be blessed in the presence of those that you love and those that love you.

Very well said. Thank you.
In the words of Jack Nicholson, "Little people, why can't we all just get along...". Too bad he got zapped by Martians right after this inspiring speech.
Thinking is good, even great. We could all use to do more if it before our fingers expose our ignorance and intolerance. Myself certainly included.
Am appalled by the name calling on another thread on this forum. Lets all try to find things in common instead of the toxic words. In the words of Neil Peart "the more we think we know about, the greater the unknown". In the words of God " a kind word turns away wrath". We are all brothers here. Love to you all in this holiday season. May you all be blessed in the presence of those that you love and those that love you.

Where's the name calling thread??? I love a good fight!
I've just realised how naive I am. If Cliff Chase, the man who gave us this land to play in, and his elves gets abuse for Axe-Edit and FW updates, what hope is there for the rest of us? :D
Quoting God, and thus staking the moral high ground, ironically voids your intent.

Apologies if I seemed to put myself above anyone by quoting God. Not my intention as I dont consider myself to be in possession of all knowledge. Whether one believes in god or not a kind word does turn away wrath

Am appalled by the name calling on another thread on this forum. Lets all try to find things in common instead of the toxic words. In the words of Neil Peart "the more we think we know about, the greater the unknown". In the words of God " a kind word turns away wrath". We are all brothers here. Love to you all in this holiday season. May you all be blessed in the presence of those that you love and those that love you.
I think it was a pretty balanced approach. You quoted Neil Peart, an atheist, and you quoted God, well... God, so there is definite balance in your statement. I fail to see the staking of moral high ground, just a delivery of quotes to echo your feelings.
For the record Neil Peart is an Agnostic. Atheists don't believe in God at all. An Agnostic is very skeptical.
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