My Ultra froze up overnight. Anybody Else? Is it me?

I was editing yesterday using both axe-edit and the front panel. Everything was working great. I left it in the layout screen of a patch. Went down this morning to see how my edits sounded with fresh ears and I had no sound. Hit the recall button; no response. Nav buttons; no response. Re-booted the device and everything was fine again.

I'm not worried about it, because it's only happened once and it IS a computer after all, but I'm curious if there is a condition I caused that I should try to avoid in the future, or if anyone else has experienced this. Thoughts?

Thanks, John.
I've had the display freeze up on me before, but that was many revisions ago... like 7.Something.
If you leave it up with Axe-Edit for that long, it could hang. I've had it hang on me in some heavy editing sessions. It's beta software.
yup...axe edit is the culprit.
Im sure you saved before leaving it.....but just like working with word, excel etc., always save you work.
I have had the Axe freeze during heavy editing sessions (with Axe-Edit) but I think allot of my problem is I start to move around to fast. As of right now I have my my MIDI Buffer Size set to 64 from 256. And my MIDI Buffer delay and also Hardware GUI refresh rate are now set to 30ms from the original 60ms. Since I made these adjustments I have not had any freezing.

Not perfect for every setup but worth giving it a try, there is a added benefit the Axe-Edit responds a little faster when editing.
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