My MFC problems are fixed; here's what worked for me

I figure the more people document their experience, the easier it will be for the next guy. I really appreciate everyone else's posts as they helped me out a lot.

I was having the symptoms that several other reported of no tuner access, no names showing up on the mfc screen, etc, and was advised by other threads that it's either the cable or the firmware. I already had the cable that everyone recommends, so I focused on the AxeFx firmware update to 10.02

I tried a Midiman 2x2 anniversary with every possible combination of buffer size and delay in both AxeEdit and MidiOx with no luck. I then tried my Firestudio Tube with just the recommended settings of 128k and 90ms. No luck.

I then hauled everything upstairs to my wife's office (risking my life if she came home to wires strewn everywhere in her 'sanctuary') and tried the Midiman again using Midi Librarian on an iMac. Worked the first time with the default settings. No drivers to load, no parameters to set. Couldn't have been easier.

Loving the footswitch. Thanks everyone!!!
Indeed, I also never had any problems updating my Ultra using Midi Uno and MacBook Pro.
Never tried it on my PC and not going to.
As others have said, it worked great using the PC before. The update to 10.01 went flawlessly and AxeEdit still works fine. Weird.
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