Multiplexer and Mixer to blend two rows


HI all,

This seems like a simple question, but, having trouble figuring it out.

I would like to blend in and out two rows in my effects chain, effectively creating a"wet/dry" between two rows (really wet/wet since they both have effects). I tried using the multiplexer, but, that only lets one row be active. I tried using the mixer, but, can't figure out how to link the levels on the mixer so as one row gain goes up (say, tied to an expression pedal), the other row gain goes down.

HI all,

This seems like a simple question, but, having trouble figuring it out.

I would like to blend in and out two rows in my effects chain, effectively creating a"wet/dry" between two rows (really wet/wet since they both have effects). I tried using the multiplexer, but, that only lets one row be active. I tried using the mixer, but, can't figure out how to link the levels on the mixer so as one row gain goes up (say, tied to an expression pedal), the other row gain goes down.

Post your working preset. Or at least a screenshot of your grid layout. It's much easier to give advice with all of the necessary info.
HI all,

This seems like a simple question, but, having trouble figuring it out.

I would like to blend in and out two rows in my effects chain, effectively creating a"wet/dry" between two rows (really wet/wet since they both have effects). I tried using the multiplexer, but, that only lets one row be active. I tried using the mixer, but, can't figure out how to link the levels on the mixer so as one row gain goes up (say, tied to an expression pedal), the other row gain goes down.

For one of the rows in the Mixer, set the Min to 100% and the Max to 0. For the other Min 0 and Max 100.
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