More 4CM questions


Fractal Fanatic
First off, im basically using my FM9 for two different setups. One for direct out modeler to FOH. And also as a replacement for my older FX-8 as effects only with 4CM.

When I switch between the two setups I have to change the I/O settings around. Is there any way global scenes or layouts for this to quickly switch between the two setups?

Also, I don’t see much info out there in where to set the output knobs and the input gain on the fm9 for 4CM.
Changing the input 3 input gain doesn’t seem to have much effect. Does this matter on where it’s set.
I set output 3 to max and output 1 to around noon. Bringing up output 1 higher gives me more volume but more noise. Leaving it at noon seems ok but my amp doesn’t seem to have the same volume and power at this setting

How do it find the optimal settings for this?
Also, I don’t see much info out there in where to set the output knobs and the input gain on the fm9 for 4CM.
Changing the input 3 input gain doesn’t seem to have much effect. Does this matter on where it’s set.
I set output 3 to max and output 1 to around noon. Bringing up output 1 higher gives me more volume but more noise. Leaving it at noon seems ok but my amp doesn’t seem to have the same volume and power at this setting
Loop3 is unity gain by default with physical output3 knob to max on Ax3/Fm9 - for me, on Ax3, this replicates guitar straight into my amp accurately unless some boosting has been added in blocks prior to output3 block. You can also play with output3 boost/pad setting to reduce noise but that has no effect on signal strength.
Loop3 is unity gain by default with physical output3 knob to max on Ax3/Fm9 - for me, on Ax3, this replicates guitar straight into my amp accurately unless some boosting has been added in blocks prior to output3 block. You can also play with output3 boost/pad setting to reduce noise but that has no effect on signal strength.
the more I bring up the boost/pad on out 3 the less noise I get. Is there any drawback to running it at 18db where there is the least amount of noise?
the more I bring up the boost/pad on out 3 the less noise I get. Is there any drawback to running it at 18db where there is the least amount of noise?
just watch your output3 LEDs - sometimes a hi boost/pad can send output into the red - but if it not clipping output and is reducing noise, then there's no drawback.
just watch your output3 LEDs - sometimes a hi boost/pad can send output into the red - but if it not clipping output and is reducing noise, then there's no drawback.
where should I be running output 1 knob? setting it at noon seems to be lowering my amp volume a lot. Im not sure how this effects the amp since its connected through the effects loop of the amp.
where should I be running output 1 knob? setting it at noon seems to be lowering my amp volume a lot. Im not sure how this effects the amp since its connected through the effects loop of the amp.
with Axfx output1 going to a non master volume amp's fx return, output1 knob position depends how loud you want the amp, and, on how much power amp coloration you want (balancing these 2 to your needs may call for addition of an attenuator to get a certain desired power amp coloration at a certain desired volume). In 4CM to an amp with no master volume of its own, I tend to think of the output1 knob as an added Master Volume for the amp. In the case of mid / higher gain amps, power amp coloration changes at different volume is not a big consideration - with my amps, it's mostly just a volume consideration.
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with Axfx output1 going to a non master volume amp's fx return, output1 knob position depends how loud you want the amp, and, on how much power amp coloration you want (balancing these 2 to your needs may call for addition of an attenuator to get a certain desired power amp coloration at a certain desired volume). In 4CM to an amp with no master volume of its own, I tend to think of the output1 knob as an added Master Volume for the amp. In the case of mid / higher gain amps, power amp coloration changes at different volume is not a big consideration - with my amps, it's mostly just a volume consideration.
ill be using this with a friedman smallbox, evh 5150 iii 50watt. those both have gain/volume control. a vox ac30 head with only volume. and a HK triaxis mkii which has a master volume.
ill be using this with a friedman smallbox, evh 5150 iii 50watt. those both have gain/volume control. a vox ac30 head with only volume. and a HK triaxis mkii which has a master volume.
in the case of an amp master volume located after the amp's fx loop I'd expect you could use either the amp's MV or the Axfx output1 knob or both to control amp power section volume. Some MV amps I investigated in advance of my last amp purchase had varying design in terms of MV placement in relation to the amp's fx loop so that could be a consideration - ie amp mv may / may not affect fx loop send level signal back to Axfx input3 - if it's before, then I'd set it to provide a level signal back into Axfx and use Axfx physical output knob to control amp volume.

Edit - The "Master" labelling seems to vary a lot on amps - sometime it means "pre output level" (before fx loop), sometimes it
means a power amp section level control placed after fx loop / before power amp.
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