Monitoring axe fx iii while recording/mixing


Can someone offer me some advice? While recording/mixing, I plug my axe fx iii directly into my PC (effectively, I use my axe fx as my interface) and keep output 1 at 12 o’clock. When I play back anything I record, it’s usually quite low in volume (I try to record my guitars coming into my DAW at -12 to -15dB). However, when playing back reference tracks in my DAW (I use .wav files of “real songs” that have already been mixed/mastered), the “real songs” sound SUPER loud. This makes comparing my mixes to a professional one very difficult as I have to constantly lower the output 1 of my axe fx down to almost zero every time I play a “real” song. I use Logic Pro and my monitors are Adam A7Xs with the volume knobs at 12 o’clock. How should I set the levels of my recorded music to a reference track so there isn’t such a volume discrepancy? Should I just lower the level of my monitors? Or should I mix into a limiter? Am I keeping output 1 too high on my axe fx? Thanks!
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