Modifiers in global blocks

Jop vS


Sorry if this has been discussed already, did a search and couldn't find anything.

Global blocks don't include modifier settings, correct? Would be great for me if they did. Is this something that is yet to be implemented?

Example: Created a global whammy block, but decided to change the sweep a bit. Now I need to go through all presets to adjust modifier parameters.

Regards, Jop
I ran into the same issue. I use a filter block for a clean boost with a little EQ & it would be great not to have to redo the modifier settings every time!
On the II you could use Recall Effect on the hardware to quickly copy modifier settings between presets. That has not been implemented (yet) on the III.

Enne Job, groeten uit Leiden. ;)
On the II you could use Recall Effect on the hardware to quickly copy modifier settings between presets. That has not been implemented (yet) on the III.

Enne Job, groeten uit Leiden. ;)
Groeten terug, uit Nijmegen.
Not really, unfortunately. I understand global blocks, but would like modifier settings to be included in them.

Ah, wasn't sure. I haven't played with them enough to know if modifiers were also adjusted when linked. Sounds like Yek was able to answer your question (even if not what you wanted to hear).
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