Wish Modifier settings for a knob/switch to be per channel within block instead of per block

Joe Bfstplk

Currently there is one set of Modifier settings for a modifiable control per block, with each Modifier applied to "All", or one of the channels via a drop-down list.

With Channels being able to be used to call up different settings or even completely different models of the block's type, it would be handy if the Modifiers assigned to parameters could have different settings, so that different ranges or even curves and/or directions of modifier control could be changed along with the block's channel.

Perhaps a choice to "remember last modifier position" or to start at either "full off" or "full on" would be a good thing to go with this, as in some instances it may be advantageous to remember where the Modifier's pedal was set, and in others, starting from full off or full on would be more useful.
I'll +1 this because it would be so great to have it...

But since you've not been around long enough to know, the current setup is already an improvement on what we have had since the Axe Fx II.

Your wish has been wished dozens of times... I suspect it must be one that is very difficult to implement.
It’s a great idea, but also one that could get really confusing to keep track of since you’d have different controls for different channels and if you adjusted range, min/max etc then it would be even more confusing with how the controller would respond to the pedal position, if it would reset to min etc

I think it could be tough to implement overall, but it would have its uses for sure
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