Mission SP1R with Spring Load


Hey guys

I purchased a Mission SP1R with spring load. I wanted to try the auto engage feature on the axe so I was looking forward to the spring loading.

Turns out I'm not that into the spring loading/auto engage, I feel it limits some of the uses I had in mind for an expression pedal (I had asked about this in another thread but I couldn't find a happy place with it).

Mission can replace the spring load with the standard stuff for $25 plus shipping. I'm wondering if I should send it in, or perhaps sell/trade it for a Mission SP1R.


do you have a dedicated wah pedal? that is why i bought the spring loaded mission pedal. I would like another non spring loaded for volume/expression. I'd say keep it for a dedicated wah if you don't already have one for that. its great for the auto engage.
I have an extra expression pedal that I use for volume/fx levels, but I would like to use this Mission Pedal to be able to switch between wah and other functions such FX rates, levels or mix.

I have my patches setup as pedalboards, so while one pedal controls delay level, i'd like to be able to control wah or phase rate (for example) by using the switch on the mission pedal. with spring loading, i can't use it for anything that needs to stay where I set it.

I'm thinking I'm going to sell my current Mission pedal for a different one.


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