Mission Engineering


New to the Fractal World as I sit on the AX8 wait list. I was originally considering using it with my Marshall JCM2000 & 1960A cabinet through the FX loop. After looking around a bit I may purchase a Gemini 2x12 active cab or passive with a power amp. Does anyone have any experience with these? If so, I welcome any and all opinions.
I participated in the NorCal Axe Fx Summit last year which was graciously hosted by the folks at Mission in their facility.

We got to hear in the Gemini 2, as well as doing a side-by-side comparison between my Xitone passive wedges powered by a Matrix amp and some CLR active wedges. I had the honor of being the player for these comparisons.

All 3 options sound great, but all have differences...

If I were looking for a new, powered FRFR system I would definitely consider the Gemini 2.

Very loud for the wattage (it's all about efficiency of the amp+ speakers), sounded great, stereo, has the ability to vary the amount of full range you want... You can also stream Bluetooth audio with the added option for that.

Hope that helps?

Also, the guys at Mission are really great!
I have not used a Gemini ll, but everything I have read about it appears to be favorable. I think that FRFR, whether active or passive, is the way to go with any good modeling device. I am using (2) active Xitone wedges (1X12 in each wedge) to take advantage of amp and cab models/sims, as well as stereo output. I think that using (2) separate 1X12s provides an advantage (stereo) over a single 2x12 cab, whether active or passive. The use of (2) 2X12 active or passive FRFR cabs becomes quite expensive and heavy to transport. Active Gemini ll's runs between $1500 and $1700 each while a Xitone active wedge runs $899. $3000 - $3200 (2 Gemini ll's) versus $1798 (2 Xitone wedges) is a considerable difference in price. I have used (1) active Xitone wedge at times and it is fine for smaller venues. Mic from Xitone is also a pleasure to deal with and will customize wedges/cabs if you have any special requests. This is just my opinion after having done a lot of research regarding FRFR active versus passive, 1X12 versus 2X12 etc......
By the way, no intent on my part to knock Xitone at all... I'm very happy with my rig - I have 3 1x12 wedges! And I'll second the comment about Mic... He's a class act to work with!
By the way, no intent on my part to knock Xitone at all... I'm very happy with my rig - I have 3 1x12 wedges! And I'll second the comment about Mic... He's a class act to work with!
Thanks! I appreciate the input! I'll probably listen to it through the FX loop e first, but something tells me I'll end up dumping it for the FRFR setup.
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