Mission Engineering SP1-RB-Bk Compatibility


New Member
Hello all,
I'm pretty new into Fractal Word, I recently purcheased my FM9 Turbo and I want add a Mission Engineering SP1 for wah only (never liked long running of expression pedals for wah) because it seems to my eyes very very similar to classic Dunlop wahwah chassis I used for over 30 years.
But, as you know, FM9 doesn't want toe switch wired as TRS but only with TS. I know as well classic Mission SP1 has two TRS connector and switch doesn't work if it is connected to a TS cable as FM9 wants.
My question is: anybody used Mission Engineering SP1 Roland/Boss version with FM9 before? Is it works well as classic SP1?
Mission Engineering answer me SP1 and SP1-RB have same wiring TRS in pot and the only differest is a momentary switch TS (it seems perfect for FM9) for Roland/Boss version instead latch TRS toe switch for classic SP1.

I can't insert link of product (sorry I'm new here) but you can find it easly into Mission Engineering official site.

Thanks to all

(Sorry for my english)
Yeah, this is why I'm looking for this exp pedal, nice have a momentary switch. And yes, your links it's the same I wanted send but rules not allow me because I'm too new in this forum :)
10K linear pot should be the same of EV Fractal exp pedal right?
Yeah, this is why I'm looking for this exp pedal, nice have a momentary switch. And yes, your links it's the same I wanted send but rules not allow me because I'm too new in this forum :)
10K linear pot should be the same of EV Fractal exp pedal right?
I think the EVs are 100k, but anything from 10k-100k is fine.

I've used up to 4 Mission EP-1 pedals at a time with my various Fractal devices. They work great.

Currently I have 2 spring loaded EP-1 pedals and 2 EV-2 pedals - although mine currently connect to an AudioFront Expression IO and then to the FM9 via midi because I want 4.
That's a great news, my intention is one SP1 for wah only and a EV1 or EV2 for others (reverber, volume etc.etc).
Thanks for reply
Ok guys, just a little update...
Today I recieved my new Mission Engineering SP1-RB-Bk (Roland/Boss version) expression pedal, I can confirm it works amazing.
Perfectly compatibility in wiring for Exp TRS connector and for Momentary Switch TS connector as FM9 wants.
For anyone want a Mission exp pedal for their FM9 this version (Roland/Boss) is the correct version for this machine.
Others versions of SP1 need to change switch, change wiring diagram and it could be boring to do.
Obviously for who own classic SP1 with TRS switch no need to put it in trash :smile: it needs only a little hardware fix.
Thank you for your support. It was precious for have a right choice.
Hi guys wondering if the

Ampero II Press Passive Switching/Expression Pedal​

Would give me the same functionality of the SP1 on the FM9, my idea would be to engage wah with the switch and volume Control when switch not engaged. I'm on a tight budget so I wanted to consider cheaper options than the MESP1. Any help would be highly appreciated.
It should work fine. It's tip to wiper polarity with a 10k linear pot. The switch is wired TRS, but that will work with the FM9 too as long as you use a TRS cable.
Hi guys wondering if the

Ampero II Press Passive Switching/Expression Pedal​

Would give me the same functionality of the SP1 on the FM9, my idea would be to engage wah with the switch and volume Control when switch not engaged. I'm on a tight budget so I wanted to consider cheaper options than the MESP1. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I use my Mission Engineering SP1 Roland/Boss version on FM9 especially for wah because I prefer have same body shape of the pedal as analog Dunlop wah, my SP1-RB switch is set for turn on/off wah effect. You can set the same for turn on wah and bypass volume block at the same time and viceversa and you'll have both blocks controlled by SP1-RB.
It will works 100% for what you wanna do.
Remember you need to use TRS cable for pedal and TS cable for switch as FM9 and SP1-RB (for switch only) want.

Hi guys wondering if the

Ampero II Press Passive Switching/Expression Pedal​

Would give me the same functionality of the SP1 on the FM9, my idea would be to engage wah with the switch and volume Control when switch not engaged. I'm on a tight budget so I wanted to consider cheaper options than the MESP1. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Probably more helpful for you to create your own thread for your question.
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