Wish Mini-Display Character Limit Increase

Imo the font would still be readable quite well if it were somewhere between Mk I and II. In certain cases it would be nice to have some more text to read in full on the scribbels. But maybe it’s just me …
Imo the font would still be readable quite well if it were somewhere between Mk I and II. In certain cases it would be nice to have some more text to read in full on the scribbels. But maybe it’s just me …
Could you maybe provide an example of where it would be advantageous? Some situation where an abbreviation just won't do?

I'd see no problem, if this were an optional behavior (which you indicated), just curious because then you lose the benefit of the larger fonts.
Yes, “fonts” probably don’t apply and yes, actually I thought of extending the visible character limit. I guess I’m just one of these guys who likes to have more detailed preset descriptions visible, like “Crunch Lead Chorus.” But of course I can get by with abbreviations.

I guess my initial thought was: “Hey, the Mk II scribbles are not just for a bigger font display with same char size of 10 but you can also have the same font size of the Mk I with 18 chars.”

Of course this being optional, as most people seem to prefer the bigger chars.
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