MIJ EVH Wolfgang


This was a nice surprise as I got it at least a month earlier than I was expecting. I was in the market for a US Wolfgang when I saw the MIJ series as an option. Man I love this guitar! The two things that I’m not totally into are the strap locks and the kill switch. The strap lock is a bit bulky and hits the guitar. Over time, I’m sure it’s going to beat up the finish. Not sure what I’m going to do about that since the eye hole screws are really thick.
As far as the kill switch, my hand has been hitting it. Also, it’s kind of strange to use. Other than that, it’s super fun to play and sounds great in all pickup positions. IMG_2247.jpeg
This was a nice surprise as I got it at least a month earlier than I was expecting. I was in the market for a US Wolfgang when I saw the MIJ series as an option. Man I love this guitar! The two things that I’m not totally into are the strap locks and the kill switch. The strap lock is a bit bulky and hits the guitar. Over time, I’m sure it’s going to beat up the finish. Not sure what I’m going to do about that since the eye hole screws are really thick.
As far as the kill switch, my hand has been hitting it. Also, it’s kind of strange to use. Other than that, it’s super fun to play and sounds great in all pickup positions. View attachment 126596
Had a couple of these on my Watch List until my Peavey USA HP Special CT fell into my lap. It's black as well.
I was looking at the HP too! How do you like it? The MIJ is the one I picked mainly because it has stainless steel frets.
I was looking at the HP too! How do you like it? The MIJ is the one I picked mainly because it has stainless steel frets.
Well, I got a Wolfgang not too long after they were introduced, but had to sell it about 10 years ago. The HP feels exactly the same, maybe a bit more comfy.
Well, I got a Wolfgang not too long after they were introduced, but had to sell it about 10 years ago. The HP feels exactly the same, maybe a bit more comfy.
Ed's fret size is a little low for many on the EVH (not MIM or IND) 6230size stainless as opposed to the 6105 on the PV.
Great to know! I'm loving playing this so much that it's going to knock a few guitars out of my collection. It's been played non-stop since I got it and I can't find any flaws. Even the silly kill switch is getting used. 😁 Easily one of my favorite guitars.
Interesting. Currently own US versions but have had some grief with poor build and I could easily believe that the MIJ version is going to exceed US models and its a **** load less expensive. Like you @acwild I would prefer no kill and normal strap connectors but I could also probably ignore them. I love the design - the neck profile is just the best for me and I really like the "vintage" SS frets. Enjoy - I might have to buy an ivory one...
Interesting. Currently own US versions but have had some grief with poor build and I could easily believe that the MIJ version is going to exceed US models and its a **** load less expensive. Like you @acwild I would prefer no kill and normal strap connectors but I could also probably ignore them. I love the design - the neck profile is just the best for me and I really like the "vintage" SS frets. Enjoy - I might have to buy an ivory one...
QC is definitely better and everything else is the same speck as the signature USA version . I would pick the Japan one over the USA even if they where the same price.
Kinda off-topic, but does anyone have any experience with the current Wolfgang Special's EVH pickups and compared them to the USA-made EVH pickups? If so, big (better) difference and worth the upgrade?
Kinda off-topic, but does anyone have any experience with the current Wolfgang Special's EVH pickups and compared them to the USA-made EVH pickups? If so, big (better) difference and worth the upgrade?
Yes - below. I've owned 2 MIMs and own 2 US builds and the pickups are different and the US builds sound a a good bit fuller. Now whether that is just down to the US pickup or other aspects of the differing build its not entirely certain but I would say the US PUs are superior. They are also quite expensive but I have switched them into other guitars and been pleased with the result.

Presumably the new MIJs have this same US PU @Andy Eagle ? That seems to be the case. But with a better quality of build.

How are your frets @acwild ? Entirely level? My US ones were not great initially but a replacement is OK. us pu.jpg
Yes - below. I've owned 2 MIMs and own 2 US builds and the pickups are different and the US builds sound a a good bit fuller. Now whether that is just down to the US pickup or other aspects of the differing build its not entirely certain but I would say the US PUs are superior. They are also quite expensive but I have switched them into other guitars and been pleased with the result.

Presumably the new MIJs have this same US PU @Andy Eagle ? That seems to be the case. But with a better quality of build.

How are your frets @acwild ? Entirely level? My US ones were not great initially but a replacement is OK. View attachment 126704
The Wolfgang pickups are built at two sites using the exact same speck, Korea and USA. I have seen Korean pickups on as many USA models as I have seen US ones . There is two ways to spot the US version; a dimple under the pickup feet and the slug poles are left slightly proud of the bobbin. They sound essentially the same in as much as two USA pickups will vary as much as one Korean to a USA . The wire, magnets and bobbins are made in the same factory for both and they are only wound and assembled in the two locations on the same winding machines.
I like both equally and don't have any problem with the Korean version.
@Andy Eagle - staggeringly good knowledge as ever!
So on the same box I photographed above it says - Hand crafted in Corona and on the barcode label it says "Made in South Korea" !!!
If that isn't misleading I don't know what is. Clearly these are Korean made and that's what a buyer would receive if bought as an aftermarket add on - so is that the same PU as default fitment to US or MIM or MIJ????! The PU on the 2 MIMs I had looked difference (from memory) and not like the accessory "US" (not!) pickup I have from the ambiguously labelled box above.
I'm not planning on dismantling my US builds to check the PU (tho I might next string change) .
To be absolutely sure I'd need a side-by-side test of the sound of a MIM vs US (and presumably this a match to MIJ)
Buyer beware huh?! 🤨
@Andy Eagle - actually looking at the pole pieces on one of my US ones they are raised. And I can actually see the dimple on my US build from the top side whereas the accessory Korean one is drilled flat. That matches your description Andy. 👍

Just how did you accumulate quite so much knowledge?! Impressed - the world needs people like you to bust some of these marketing and QA issues 👍
Much appreciated.

Do you reckon a MIM PU different again? Compared the sound?

The Wolfgang remains a great super playable guitar IMO despite Fenders best efforts to confuse the **** out of everybody! :laughing:
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Thanks for the kind words ,OCD, 35 years experience and a healthy disrespect for "marketing' is how.
I have no particular issues with Fender product at the moment. They consistently put out some of the best value genuine "instruments" that you can buy. Everyone has the odd QC issue and it's about how you deal with it because some will get out.
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