MIDI Triggers Change Preset But Not Foot Switches?


Hoping this is something stupidly simple:

I set up my FM9 to receive preset and scene change triggers from Logic. Works great, except the foot switches on the FM9 do not follow the changes. The FM9's screen shows the preset and scenes, but the foot switches stay parked on whatever bank and preset the FM9 was on before the MIDI trigger.

For example, I'll be using preset 11 without Logic, but when I connect to Logic and pull up a song that uses preset 60, the FM9's screen (and sound output) jumps to preset 60, but the foot switches still show my presets in Bank 002. If I click on the scenes foot switch (factory layout) the foot switches show the scenes from preset 11, too.

I can manually bank up and down to match the preset the unit is actually on, but wondering if there's a setting I'm missing to ensure the foot switches follow the preset.

Does anyone have experience with this?
I can't reproduce this.

I tested today sending numerous preset changes via Midi-OX and they worked as expected. My main performance layout (a variation of the Scenes default layout) and the Presets layout both showed exactly what they should have.
I can't reproduce this.

I tested today sending numerous preset changes via Midi-OX and they worked as expected. My main performance layout (a variation of the Scenes default layout) and the Presets layout both showed exactly what they should have.
Thanks, unix-guy. I got everything to work as expected in Ableton Live, but for some reason Logic isn't cooperating. Glad to hear it's not a bug, will look into it further on my end.
Thanks, unix-guy. I got everything to work as expected in Ableton Live, but for some reason Logic isn't cooperating. Glad to hear it's not a bug, will look into it further on my end.
Try to use a midi monitor like Midi-OX and see what is being sent from Logic compared to Ableton.

Are both sending PCs on the specific midi channel the FM9 is using? Are both (or either) also sending a bank CC as well?
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