MIDI and FM9 Edit


Hello all! First, I’m almost positive the answer to this is no, but I have to ask. Keep in mind I have never used MIDI as I have never needed to.

Recently a nearby lightning strike took out several devices in my home, most were what I’d consider low voltage devices (garage door opener, internet modem, battery tenders on my motorcycles and some modules on two of my vehicles). It also apparently took out the USB port on my FM9. The unit still works, but I am unable to connect via USB anymore.

Now I have FracPad on PC, Mac, and iPad, so I bought a MIDI device and am able to use FracPad as the editor, but is there a way to use FM9 Edit with MIDI?

Thanks in advance for your replies!
Yes. Connect the MIDI device to your FM9 and select the MIDI device's IN and OUT ports in FM9-Edit's preferences instead of the usual FM9 options. That should make it connect through the MIDI device instead of the FM9's MIDI over USB ports.
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