MFC setup question

Jan Geerts

I now have a GCP, but if the MFC could do the following, I'd upgrade

bottom 5 buttons for presets
next row 5 for scenes
the rest for switching fx on and off

A: is this doable?
B: do I have to go to MIT to do it?


Yes doable.
Very simple to do
Pm me or post on the forum after you get your mfc and im sure you'll get an easy walk through

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Have you watched my MFC setup video? Link to my videos in my signature below. I can do a skype session for $35 an hour too.
Ok, so setting up the IA numbers and scenes was really easy.

But I can't seem to send the right program changes. In preset one on the mfc, I want the mfc to select preset 66 on the Axe. I go to Edit Preset then Ch 01 ProgChg, and I dial in 66 with the up and down buttons (no way to do this by tapping the number switches?), but still the Axe remains on preset 1.

What am I missing here?


Why don't you just move the preset on the axe? Use the swap function to change it from 66 to something closer to your other presets you use.
Or you could use preset manager in axe edit and drag the preset you want to the desired spot and hit save. Done!

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change Axe Mode from "AxeFX" to None.

you're using the MFC, which communicates 2-way with the axe, like your old GCP, 1-way communication only.

may i ask why you don't want to move a preset in the axe?
In Axe mode:
12.4.3 Axe-Fx Preset Transmit Map
EDIT : MIDI : PAGE (3x)
The Axe-Fx Preset Transmit (“Tx”) Map is used to set up a custom map between MFC-101 presets and Axe-Fx presets. This
makes it possible for any MFC-101 preset to load any of the 384 presets from a connected Axe-Fx.
Use the PARAMETER footswitches to select between MFC Preset and Axe-Fx Preset.
I'd like to program sounds for certain live sets, I havent looked into song and set mode yet, maybe that would help.

Another thing, is there a way to activate the looper, say with ia's on 10-15, and then go back and forth to preset mode while the loop is running?
As long as there’s a looper block in all presets you’re switching between, the looper will keep playing.

If you set the MFC to send the specific midi commands, you can program any IA to send the looper control midi commands.
Yes, but is it possible to activate the looper with an IA, so that one row of buttons is assigned to looper functions, buttons that were previously assigned to scenes or pedals on/off.
Yes, but is it possible to activate the looper with an IA, so that one row of buttons is assigned to looper functions, buttons that were previously assigned to scenes or pedals on/off.

The MFC has a looper mode.
Yes, but is it possible to activate the looper with an IA, so that one row of buttons is assigned to looper functions, buttons that were previously assigned to scenes or pedals on/off.

The MFC has a looper mode.
Yes, but is it possible to activate the looper with an IA, so that one row of buttons is assigned to looper functions, buttons that were previously assigned to scenes or pedals on/off.

No, for generic IA’s, you can’t reprogram them per preset or similar. The only exception is “reveal” mode in which preset buttons have separate “reveal” functions in addition to being preset buttons.

What I have done is to use the 1st row as presets, so presets 1-5, 6-10, … When pressing reveal, those buttons turn into Scene select 1-5. When holding down reveal, buttons 1-5 will be the looper control.

This only work on the preset buttons. So if you have, like most people, presets selectors on buttons 1-5, you can have alternate functions on those buttons (reveal mode). But for buttons 6-17, they can only have one function. You can pretty much have any function you want, but it’s one function per button and it won’t change.
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Looper Mode works fine :D Doh.

Another query: on the GCP, I could switch chorus, flange, rotary with the same switch. Those modulation fx all have the same nr in my Axe, and I use only one mod per preset. Is there a way to replicate this behavior in the mcc?
So: depending on which preset, with the same IA turn on different Mod fx.


If only one of those mod fx is present in a preset at one time, assign the same CC to all of them (in I/O). Assign a switch to that CC.


Assign a switch to an external controller's CC. Then assign that ext controller to the desired effect's Bypass Mode parameter, per preset.
I did the first, as on the GCP, but when I choose Chorus for the IA, the other fx that have the same nr in I/O don't respond.
Don't select Chorus, but select NONE instead, and assign the CC.
With an Axe-FX function IA (where you actually select "Chorus") the block you chose has to be in the preset. You could use a low-CPU block like a Vol/Pan or Filter for that. An alternative is setting the IA to "none" and manually configuring the CC.
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