Mesa Boogie FX loop problem

When i hookup my axe ultra into the fx loop of the mesa boogie rectoverb head it sounds horrible. The feedback is pure high pitched noise when im on the clean channel and use hi gain amp presets even with cab and P.A. simulation turned off. On clean channels the clean sounds work and sound fine with any settings. Also if i have my amp switched to the hi gain modern channel and im only using it to apply just like a delay effect it sucks all of the balls out of my tone and sounds horrible i have no clue what im doing wrong i have changed the IO settings correctly and i have it routed correctly as far as i know can anyone help me?

I understand its not the ideal and i should just use a straight power amp but it shouldn't sound as bad as it is there has to be something else. The amp sounds totally normal and fine without anything in it.
There shouldn't need to be any need for an additional power amp?

So, you're trying this 2CM, with the Mesa's FX Send going the Axe, and Axe Out 1L going back to the Mesa, yes?

How are the levels (check on the Utility/Meter page)? Make sure you have the Input Select correct (front or rear etc).

I use my Ultra for FX only with my tube gear most of the time and it works fine.

Make sure there are no Cab or Amp Blocks?

Try setting up all Shunts, then getting the levels right, then adding your FX.

When i hookup my axe ultra into the fx loop of the mesa boogie rectoverb head it sounds horrible. The feedback is pure high pitched noise when im on the clean channel and use hi gain amp presets even with cab and P.A. simulation turned off. On clean channels the clean sounds work and sound fine with any settings. Also if i have my amp switched to the hi gain modern channel and im only using it to apply just like a delay effect it sucks all of the balls out of my tone and sounds horrible i have no clue what im doing wrong i have changed the IO settings correctly and i have it routed correctly as far as i know can anyone help me?

I understand its not the ideal and i should just use a straight power amp but it shouldn't sound as bad as it is there has to be something else. The amp sounds totally normal and fine without anything in it.
I run out of my Ax's output2 into my Triaxis and then out of Triaxis main outs into my Ax's input2. I use an FXL block in my presets to do this, and I do not use an amp block in my preset. Add a ground loop eliminator, and you're golden!
A couple questions to help:

Parallel or Series effects loop in the Rectoverb?

Are you using the preamp in the amp AND the Axe-Fx with an amp block at all?
Ok some more info was needed so here it is, it is a parallel effects loop, it also has a fx mix knob 10%-90%. I think the issue might lie in the output. When i checked the utility page for levels the output is almost nothing when its all shunts and just delay is there a way to boost this level higher to a normal level? The input from the pre amp to the axe fx is fine as well.

I have to go to the beach but when i get back in a few hours ill reply when i test out any help you guys give me thanks a ton!
Also i was using the pre amp of the mesa and the the pre amp of an amp block for the hi gain is this really that bad i had the mesas pre amp on a neutral clean tone? Also can you only plug into the return of the fx loop and bypass the mesas pre amp or is there no real way to do that?
Parallel FX Loop with digital effects can mean problems unless you do things exactly right. It's balancing act of levels, plus having your effects set properly for a parallel loop. You can make this work one of a few ways.

First, you could completely bypass the Mesa preamp and plug your guitar into the front of the Axe-Fx, then the Axe-Fx to the FX Return, basically using the Rectoverb as a power amp only.

Second, you could remove the amp block from all of your presets and use the Mesa preamp for everything and the Axe-Fx for effects only (2 cable method). In this case, you would want the Axe-FX to be 100% wet since you have a parallel effects loop that only goes to 90%. Otherwise, you'll get phase cancellations and some wacky effects phenomena. You could use the effects loop to blend the wet/dry mix.

Third, you could use 4 cable method. Guitar plugs into Axe-Fx, Axe-Fx goes in the amp's effects loop. This is going to be the most versatile. You'll have the option, through use of presets whether to use the preamp in the Axe-Fx or the one in the Mesa. This is the most difficult, but definitely the most bang for your buck when you're using the Axe-Fx with an amplifier.

As far as the dual preamp thing, don't do it. You're boosting the signal with a preamp, yes even with clean tones, then boosting it AGAIN with another preamp/amp block in the axe-fx. The levels are just plain too high, and you're not likely to get a good tone doing it this way. You could, theoretically, use both preamps in parallel via use of the Axe-Fx loop blocks, but you'll have to have power amp sims and speakers off.
I run out of my Ax's output2 into my Triaxis and then out of Triaxis main outs into my Ax's input2. I use an FXL block in my presets to do this, and I do not use an amp block in my preset. Add a ground loop eliminator, and you're golden!
Hello ... I am trying to connect via 4CM to my Orange Thunderverb 50 and getting SIGNIFICANT noise ... which segment of the signal path do you suggest placing the ground loop eliminator? Also, I saw in another thread the suggestion to use Ebtech's HUM X any thought's on using that too?
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