Mark Day's Recto Spill Scene Gain Staging Question


New Member
375 Mark Day's Recto sure is one of my favorite presets and I appreciate it it ALOT. However with scene 06 SPILL I get some unwanted digital distortion when chugging (hardish but not really crazy) on the bass strings. I know it's not exactly a rhythm scene and maybe I just have to avoid such a playing style with it and change scene. It would still be fun though, if I could do it. So please enlighten me:

I already adjusted the Input 1 Gain in the general settings I/O from 0.5 to 0.451, because I experienced unwanted distortion with my Les Paul in clean presets like 285 63 Tube Spring Verb. Now pretty much every preset sounds perfect, dynamics still intact, just the Spill Scene in 375 getting unwanted crackles in the aforementioned scenario.

Where would you turn it down in this case?
Use the Preset Leveling tool in FM9 Edit and adjust the Amp block Level parameter in the preset so it doesn't go into the red when chugging.
You could also add and play around with the Multiband Compressor block to tighten up the bottom end.
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