Mackie SRM450 vs QSC HPR 122i


QSC wins, no contest. Nextfoolmartyr came over and brought his QSC so we were able to AB them. I've always thought the Mackies had a glassy/brittle upper end and that was totally proven. The QSC's were better by a long shot. My Mackies are V1 SRMs, not the new versions, so YMMV with those.

Now I'm definately selling off my Mackies, and then I'll pick up a FBT Verve 12ma and we'll compare those. My preference is to the verve just from a size standpoint so hopefully they are as good as what's been reported so far. :)
I'd believe that in a second. I have been in bands that used those speakers for years... and even without running the Axe-FX though them.... I hear what you are saying.

Looking forward to your thoughts on the FBT.
Yeah but....

Something I have wondered about:

What about a pair of srm-450's vs a single QSC? Wouldn't the stereo separation and increased output provide a better fullness of sound. Also, isn't the "shrillness" of the Mackies something that can be dialed out via EQ?
mesaboog said:
Yeah but....

Something I have wondered about:

What about a pair of srm-450's vs a single QSC? Wouldn't the stereo separation and increased output provide a better fullness of sound. Also, isn't the "shrillness" of the Mackies something that can be dialed out via EQ?

I have a pair. Two of them running does not appreciably change the sound. I've tried dialing it out with little success. There is just something "not smooth" in the upper midrange of these things. Mackies marketing non-withstanding ("SRM - Studio Reference Monitor"), the QSC sounded way more like my Event studio monitors than the Mackie.

Fact is as soon as the QSC was fired up I said "I can already tell it sounds better" before I had even fired up the Mackies. It was that obvious.
leecow said:
QSC has a new line coming out soon (K Series) that will be very interesting to check out. The amp design in particular could yield great results for Axe FX usage.

Class D power.. I'm no amp guru, but I think the big design benefit of Class D is light weight potential, not so much the audio quality. It'll be interesting to get the community verdict on these.
Robboman said:
Class D power.. I'm no amp guru, but I think the big design benefit of Class D is light weight potential, not so much the audio quality. It'll be interesting to get the community verdict on these.

Light weight and high efficiency (lower power consumption, less heat production)

Doesn't necessarily mean audio quality has to suffer though.
Sound quality can be excellent if designed properly but some class D amps are optimized for things like battery consumption instead of sound quality or just made cheaply which gives the good ones a bad reputation.

srooijens said:
Robboman said:
Doesn't necessarily mean audio quality has to suffer though.
Sound quality can be excellent if designed properly but some class D amps are optimized for things like battery consumption instead of sound quality or just made cheaply which gives the good ones a bad reputation.

Acoustic Image has been making lightweight and very highly regarded class D amps for years In fact I've often considered trying one with the Axe. In fact I think I'll start a thread on that.
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