M-audio fast track pro......help newbie!


OK, firstly I'm new to this stuff....I want to record using my m-audio fast track pro into pro-tools.....at the same time I want to listern to the guitar through my amp.....so, I have output 1 connected to my amp & then use output 2 into the fast track pro insert 1 - is this correct so far? When I try this however, I cannot get any audio from my PC or using the headphone out of the fast track pro? Am I correct in that you can go straight from the axe fx into the fast track? Or do I need a power amp i.e. axefx->poweramp->m-audio insert? And why the bloody hell is audio not getting into pro tools ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Oh, how the mountain looms...! Does anyone use the m-audio faxt track pro with the axefx into protools and would be willing to help here? I'm sure the answer is easy.........when you know how. Thanks.
Ok, I don't have a Fast Track Pro, but here are a few thoughts:

1-) No, you don't need a power amp between the Axe and the Fast Track
2-) Try the Instrument input on the Fast Track, not the Insert
3-) Make sure you set the Instrument input to Line (Inst/Line button pushed in)
4-) Play with the Gain knob until you get some signal
5-) Once you have the above working, start resolving the other issues (Headphones out should work immediately, Pro Tools is another can of worms completely... but it CANNOT work until you get 1 through 5 resolved).
Thanks for the reply...

On the fast track pro (from here on the FTP!) the insert is the instrument input....this has two inputs for guitar, insert 1 & 2 (on the back panel)
I have tried both setting, line & insert - makes no difference?
Athough, I have discovered that the insert connector appears faulty! With the guitar output jack (from the axefx output) plugged all the way into either insert on the FTP (as it should be)
no signal is transmitted? However, if I push this only 3/4 in, I get a signal!! So much for m-audio gear!
(however, still got Pro tools to figure out!)
Hang on a minute... are you telling me your FTP is *different* from this one? http://www.long-mcquade.com/files/512/lg_FASTTRACKPRO.jpg ???

On the picture in the link, the bottom picture is the front panel of the unit, and it has two MIC/INST inputs. On the top picture (the rear panel of the unit), there are two INSERTS inputs. These are *NOT* for the same purpose!

If your is different, can you find a picture somewhere?

Its the same!
Oh......have I being using the wrong input? So what are the "inserts" at the back for? I assumed thay were for the guitar? Shit, I didn't realise the front panel ones also doubled as guitar jack inputs.....that certainly would help!
I feel like I total fool!
Thanks for that....
...I want to record using my m-audio fast track pro into pro-tools.....at the same time I want to listen to the guitar through my amp...
I have the M-Audio Fast Track Pro and have been debating using this or the Axe II as interface to computer, i am still debating:ugeek.
I do want to ask one question though, if you want to record into Pro-Tools (I use Reaper) I would think you would want to go direct, if you go direct wouldnt you use the Cab/Mic sims? Because I deal with the choice of one or the other in regard to playing thru my guitar cab. If Im not recording, playing with the Cabs on (axe>carvin dcm100l>guitar cab) sounds interesting but I dont think that is a proper setup, so I turn Cabs off doing this. So im thinking that when recording you just monitor thru your amp/speaker system that you listen to music thru and utilize the cabs/mic sims because if you record with cabs/mics off it sounds bad. Although I am not a pro at this so maybe I am wrong in my advice. I also dont understand if you really mean you want to do this...
axe>guitar head>guitar cab (turn amp/cab/mic sims off)

My set-up:

Axefx-(output1)>amp (fender hotrod deluxe)->cab

But at the same time (for recording)

Axefx (output2) -> direct into FTP -> pC running protools

I've also found running straight from the axefx into the amp (head &Cab) sounds great with most of the patches (without turning the axefx amp/cab sims off)?

Not sure (being new to the axefx) if this is how its done? But so far, sounds good.

Just need to figure out why audio not showing in protools.......I/O setting thing? Although, I do notice its shows eleven rack in the settings?

Sorry my short term memory SUCKS!!! So i re-read my supplemental instructions doc and corrected the following...
This is what i do, it consists of two paths (A+B) at the same time, and choosing what i want to do.
A) (no interface required) axe out 1+2>carvin dcm1000L out>4x12 stereo guitar cab
B) (M-Audio interface/Axe-Fx Interface) axe out 1+2>carvin dcm1000L thru>mixer>m audio FTP>graphic eq>stereo amp>infinity OVTR-2 Loudspeakers (note carvin does not need to be on for signal to hit mixer) USB connected from the Axe** M-Audio=Default playback, Axe-Fx=default recording (this enables 2 wet channels and 2 dry channels)

Yes it is neat to have path "A" on as it greatly enables cool feedback...BUT...the tone is much darker when the cabs are on.
So i usually record/monitor via "B" or if i want to experience a more "amp in room all by itself" sound then i choose "A" but i am not recording, just jamming with a backing track monitored thru the stereo. When re-amping i am connected already as "B", USB is already connected to have access to Axe Edit, however the I/O setting for Main Input Source becomes USB instead of Analog (IN 1) and USB/Digi Out Sorce becomes USB instead of Output 1
I also struggled a bit to enable "hearing" under the right conditions for recording. I created a document for myself as it took me almost 3 hours to figure out how to re-amp (using USB) and that was WITH the awesome Mark Day instructions.:eek:ops No matter what i always connect USB to enable Axe Edit. The I/O setup must be right as well. You are welcome to the doc but i tried to attach it but the only attcahments allowed are .jpg .gif .syx. FWIW Axe Edit "sees" the Axe in the settings>midi>midi in/midi out which enables Axe to talk to Axe Edit and visa versa. **Reaper "sees" the Axe via preferences>Audio>device>Audio System=ASIO/ASIO Driver=Axe-Fx II ASIO Driver (this could be M-Audio USB if you want to bypass the Axe as a recording device)
Sorry for the confusion :|
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