Low Volume When Switching Presets

I’ve had an issue happen twice in the last few weeks where when I switch between presets using FM3 Edit, the output volume becomes very low on the newly selected preset until I simply select a block in the signal chain. It’s happened on two different presets. It’s not selecting the same block and it’s not even the first block I select that fixes the volume. In one instance I selected nearly every block and in the second instance it was the first block I selected that restored the volume to normal. I’m not bypassing or enabling any block in the signal chain, I am simply selecting the blocks one at a time to see the parameters until the volume comes back.

This is a very intermittent problem, but like I said, it has happened twice now in the last two weeks. I am running FM3 Edit 1.06.09 and FM3 firmware 8.0.

Anyone else had this issue?
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