looking to buy


i know this is a forum for axe fx users, but i thought it would also be a good place to do research. im am seriously looking to buy one of these units, i am a typical tube amp guy i have a 1965 original fender twinn w pedals<sounds great but its limited to what it can do and im tired of the purchase of pedals. i would like some recomendations on the typical setup. i mainly play live and am looking to do that with the axe fx. do u prefer to use a seperate power amp and guitar cab, or i have heard talk of using a certain type of powered speaker. these are questions i have. and would like some feedback from the users. thanks
That is going to be a subjective question to answer, everyone is different in how they like to amplify with the Axe. If your good with using EQ then you may want to go FR and skip over the Amp/cab way but the quality of the FR cab is VERY important.

The Amp/cab thing is the quickest way to get to great tones but it the cab will limit you with the tones you can produce with the Axe. Although it seams to be where most start when being used to a traditional back line rig... I did but now I'm going to venture deep into FR. Do a serch and you will find a lot of threads on this subject.
There is no 'better' here. Look around here for the different ways that people run this, and decide for yourself.

I would say most run some form of FRFR system. It's the way you get the most out of the box itself, but your best option is to choose one, make it work, and see if that's the lasting solution for you.

*Some* options:
AFX - Tube poweramp - cab
AFX - clean poweramp - cab
AFX - powered FRFR (either PA or Atomic FR)
Head of choice - FX loop or in front end or 4 cable method - cab

You have so many options, I would do YouTube and clips section for how people are running it, and make your choice based off of budget, existing equipment.
there is no doubt in my mind that the most powerful way to use the axe-fx is FRFR it sounds incredible and gives you access to any cab sound you want. But! lol, there's always a but lol. Most guitar guys coming from traditional heads and cabs might be easily overwhelmed by the amount of options and thus lose their grip on reality and spin deep into a dark place never to return :) Since most guitar players already have cabs and amps i'd suggest starting with gear you are familiar with. Also it reduces the financial investment. Then if you feel you understand the unit and are ready for the expert level then try getting a FRFR amp/speaker and go for it.

So my biased personal recommendation is go solidstate power amp into a traditional guitar cab of your liking. Chances are you have this gear around anyway. At least if you run through an uncolored sounding poweramp (not a tube amp) you have all the amp flavors available from the axe to toy with. And since you have a real cab you would not need to use the cab emulation or mic emulation, it lowers the numbers of variables quite a bit. Good luck, see you on the forum for your first post "Why does everything sound so weird" lol :lol: I'm kidding but also probably right we all have gone through this.
There is a guy below who just ran his AXE-FX through his Fender amp input and loves it.
I might suggest starting there also. I have a MESA combo and after sorting out some ground loop issues
I am finding it sounds very good through the power amp section with the AXE-FX Cabs turned off.
Still trying that out, but pretty nice so far.

Also I run it direct with Cabs through a pair of smaller monitors in a recording setup and it sounds great there also.
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