Looking for technical details on Matrix GT800FX


New Member
Hello, all. I recently purchased a broken GT800FX for dirt cheap. I'm scouring the internet for any information on these amps, and boy is it sparse. Matrix's website (for their guitar-related stuff) has an expired SSL certificate, the other Matrix website seems to have an unresponsive email address, and Andy's phone number which was posted on the expired website appears to be disconnected. Does anyone know if these guys are still communicating anywhere? I know it's probably a long shot being able to get something like a schematic for this thing, but I'm hoping to get in touch with someone who might walk me through some steps to diagnose a bit farther.

For those interested, here's the story so far:
The state of the amp as purchased was no output and protect light on. There's quite a bit of evidence that the amp has been opened up before. There's a bow in the front plate, many cammed out screws, uncleaned flux on the board, etc. Interestingly, the board has "GT1000" printed on it. I encountered another case of this on some old Kemper forum page, but couldn't chase it very far since the search result was on a page that was evidently moved. I am forced to guess that either this is normal, I happen to have the exact amp this guy was talking about, or both of our boards were switched.

Anyway, the amp. One of the mosfets had exploded. So I ordered a replacement mosfet and just received it yesterday. Soldered it in and put everything back together with new thermal paste. Flipped the switch and I hear a relay click, see a single orange internal LED (labeled LED1 on the board) turn on, and nothing else. I realized I forgot to reconnect the chassis ground, so quickly powered it down and reconnected it. Turned it back on, same situation. One (internal) LED on, that's all she wrote. No smoke, no output, no "ON" LED (nor any of the other external LEDs).

I figure since I'm in a state where all I've really done is replace a transistor, I should see what additional information I can gather before continuing to chase the electronics around in this thing. It would be nice to not have to start from scratch. If anyone knows how I can reach Matrix, or wants to help me look into this thing, I'd appreciate any help!
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