Looking for someone with a Xitone 1x12 to help me out


The power amp in my M.Britt 1x12 went kaput so I ordered a new one direct from Dayton. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the DSP tunings in it.

I’m looking for someone with a 1x12 Xitone cabinet (not a wedge) to help me out.

I want to see if we can pull the DSP presets out of your amp and get them to me.

My exact Xitone is the older M.Britt 1x12 with the removable panel on the back. I think it’s a Celestion speaker in it. It’s coaxial that I know.

The amp model: Dayton Audio PPA800DSP
I actually have 2 of them but they're tweaked designs. They're MBritt but 2 inches deeper. One has the flat EQ profile, one doesn't. I was actually thinking of sending one off to Dayton to see if they can pull the profile off of it. PM me and we'll talk.
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