long time fractal ax 8 user

long time fractal ax 8 user new to fm9. can you save a block effect amp etc.not in channel 1as a favorite?everytime I try this its whatever it is on channel A.also unlike the qc and helix when switching scenes and having different parameters chosen there is no lag. fm9 on the other hand has gaps when switching settings due to the channel switches.any fixes.?other than the usual use a 2nd amp.
Can you clarify your post? It seems like you have multiple questions but not sure...

I think your first question is about saving blocks to the block library? When you save a block to the library, it can save the block or the channel. When you load a saved channel, it loads into the current channel. When you load a saved block it replaces the entire block. Set the channels as you want in each scene.

Switching scenes lags only when changing channels on the Amp block. Using 2 Amp blocks costs nothing in regards to CPU and will avoid the issue.
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long time fractal ax 8 user new to fm9. can you save a block effect amp etc.not in channel 1as a favorite?everytime I try this its whatever it is on channel A.also unlike the qc and helix when switching scenes and having different parameters chosen there is no lag. fm9 on the other hand has gaps when switching settings due to the channel switches.any fixes.?other than the usual use a 2nd amp.
You can save individual channels to the Block Library but they are not saved as a specific Channel (A, B, C, D). If it was saved while in Channel C, it will not automatically be added to Channel C of a new block. It will be added to the current channel of the new block.

If you're using the same effect or amp, a Control Switch can be assigned to different parameters allowing for different gain levels, EQ tweaks, Boost on/off, etc... of the amp without any gap. The same Control Switch # can also be used in other blocks to adjust parameters and turn them on/off as well, again without any gap.
Can you clarify your post? It seems like you have multiple questions but not sure...

I think your first question is about saving blocks to the block library? When you save a block to the library, it can save the block or the channel. When you load a saved channel, it loads into the current channel. When you load a saved block it replaces the entire block. Set the channels as you want in each scene.

Switching scenes lags only when changing channels on the Amp block. Using 2 Amp blocks costs nothing in regards to CPU and will avoid the issue.
Ty you very much. You've answered my questions.
Ty you very much. You've answered my questions.
I would take it one step further as far as the changing channels
You can do the same thing as with having 2 amp blocks
You can use 2 separate delay blocks and 2 reverb block if you are switching channels and need it to be more seamless
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