Logic 11 update - Drummer changes, and AI


Not sure how many of you are Logic Pro users - just curious if any of you are finding the restructure of Drummer more awkward to work with than before. It seemed like before I could get a basic "shell" of the groove I wanted, record real performance parts on guitar, keys, bass, then sync drummer to different selections of my live recorded playing. IMO, it now feels like drummer is trying very hard to dictate the patterns and beats with more "pre-made" material, even when I'm asking it to follow my "groove".

Anyone else experiencing this problem? I havent worked with it much, but it's annoying how many things I have to "uncheck" to just write and record original music. I was semi-happy with the drummer interaction before 11.

On the AI emphasis with Logic, pretty disappointing how many people are thrilled that they don't have to actually play instruments. For me, the most successful recordings are the ones that havent been edited, and save most of the original thought and content from the initial inspiration.
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