live performance questions


PLayback: I'm using my laptop to play backing tracks from Ableton through my FM9 and currently doing this at practice. I'm a little nervous as we only get a 30 min or so sound check. Curious if anyone has any tips for this for live shows. I'd have a volume control for my guitar but leave the USB alone.

PA setup: The venue has two bose towers for house speakers/monitors. The house mixing is minimal. Last time I played at this place the towers seemed to fill the room well but I have a feeling I was louder than the backing tracks at times. I have K10s I could bring. The venue is very wide so my not using the house Bose towers could make it worse for the audience.
Also, do most of you perform in stereo for small venues? I know the Bose towers can cause phase issues if you play the same mono signal through both speakers.

Thanks for any tips.
You get a 30 minute soundcheck?!?!? Daaaaaammmmnnnnnnnnn! Enjoy that while it lasts because that is NOT the norm. :tearsofjoy:

I’d give yourself some volume wiggle room in Ableton so you can go up or down without messing with the FM9/USB audio volume.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just bounce your tracks down and play them through iTunes or whatever music player is on a PC?

I’ve got zero experience with the Bose stuff, but if it’s a smaller venue and they’re actually set up in stereo (quite rare for a PA) then I’d do it up. It’s mainly the bigger venues where you’ll have one side not hearing the other side’s effects. I think that’d be a pretty big issue if those Bose couldn’t send a mono signal out of both without phase issues? But not much surprises me anymore!
We don't run backing tracks but we do run recorded intros spread thru out the set from an Ipod. We run it directly into the system or thru DI's where needed. That gives you easy volume control of the track separate of your guitar right from the source. Just a thought but it works very well. More control is always good especially when using IEM's.
You get 30 minutes for soundcheck? I've had as little as 60 seconds. 9 times out of 10 all the pa's are mono in my experience, maybe they just stay that so they don't have to give up another channel.
Could someone chime in on getting USB output to 3/4?
Ableton will only play through output 1/2 no matter the settings.
Manual states "System audio such as Apple Music will be played back through FM9 Output 1" but that can't relate to Abelton, right? The settings output doesn't make sense to me either :expressionless:
Would be nice to give a separate output while not bringing another piece of gear.
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No reason you can't use output 2 as the main guitar out and run Ableton through Out 1 to the PA. Both are XLR and have front-panel output level controls.
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