LFPRO Paid and waiting...


I know there's another thread on this and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but I have a more specific question. Anyone here pay for theirs online and waiting for one?

I want a LFPRO for the extra features and switches. I'm currently using a GCP, but just sold some gear that would fund one. I don't mind waiting, but it sounds to me that there's two camps - one that requested a notification when they're available (when backlog is done) and those that have actually paid for units. Would appreciate it if those that have paid could let me know how long you've been waiting... or perhaps if you've gotten one recently.

I hope for everyone involved this doesn't go the way of Psionic Audio/Lyle Caldwell.

Do not send an AC30 to Lyle Caldwell or Psionic Audio. Do not send any amp to Lyle Caldwell or Psionic Audio. Do not send any money to Lyle Caldwell or Psionic Audio. He is likely to steal your gear and/or your money.
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