Layout defualt restore


I was trying to learn my FM9 form the ground up in a youtube video by Rosh Roslin (nice series BTW) - but somehow I over-wrote the factory set-up (which I was accustomed to). So I backed up my original patches ( I exported each one with FM9 edit) and did a "load factory default layouts and settings" Reset. But what is weird is I no longer see my + bank and -bank buttons available - like I had before.

Any suggestions? I'd like to have my FM9 setup just like previously - I think I over-wrote the preset-layout accidentally.

I'd just like to get back towhere I was - and I'm not clear on where it was I screwed things up.

BTW - with FM9 edit - is there a simple backup of ALL patches on the unit command?

Thanks - Dennis
Hi, Dennis,
There is a way to restore factory defaults, but my expertise isn't versed in this area. I'm sure that @unix-guy or @Rex can help has to do something with the front panel and navigating to "Reset" or "Restore." Personally, I wouldn't proceed without verifying this, but this is likely what is required. Check the manual under "Troubleshooting" towards the end of the manual and try to locate your solution there.

Reset will likely restore the FM9 to original factory condition, which will require updating software and reinstalling some of your backups. Just don't move too far ahead with the backups, or you'll be where you are now....
I was trying to learn my FM9 form the ground up in a youtube video by Rosh Roslin (nice series BTW) - but somehow I over-wrote the factory set-up (which I was accustomed to). So I backed up my original patches ( I exported each one with FM9 edit) and did a "load factory default layouts and settings" Reset. But what is weird is I no longer see my + bank and -bank buttons available - like I had before.

Any suggestions? I'd like to have my FM9 setup just like previously - I think I over-wrote the preset-layout accidentally.

I'd just like to get back towhere I was - and I'm not clear on where it was I screwed things up.

BTW - with FM9 edit - is there a simple backup of ALL patches on the unit command?

Thanks - Dennis
If you were using a factory layout, navigate to Settings > FC Controllers… > Reset, and pick the one you were using. See p. 71 in the manual.

And, next time, use that path to restore the factory layout, don’t reset the global settings.
If you were using a factory layout, navigate to Settings > FC Controllers… > Reset, and pick the one you were using. See p. 71 in the manual.

And, next time, use that path to restore the factory layout, don’t reset the global settings.
Hi Greg,

I have done what you wrote a couple of times- I chose "load factory default layout & settings". What is weird is where there used to be displayed Bank + & Bank - on my far right 2 vertical switches - it now says Bank 068 & Bank 068. Where before it said Bank+ and bank - so it seems to me that somethings has not reset properly or I'm misunderstanding something really basic here.

Thanks for any help!
Hi Greg,

I have done what you wrote a couple of times- I chose "load factory default layout & settings". What is weird is where there used to be displayed Bank + & Bank - on my far right 2 vertical switches - it now says Bank 068 & Bank 068. Where before it said Bank+ and bank - so it seems to me that somethings has not reset properly or I'm misunderstanding something really basic here.

Thanks for any help!
It appears to be a minor interface problem that we found the other day while testing. It didn’t pick up the custom labels for the mini strips after the reset and is easily worked around until they get to it.

In Edit, open the FC editor, switch to the affected layout, click on the switch in question, then in the mini label area below the tap section, at the bottom, select the “Custom” option, and the label should be restored. Do that for both switches.
Thanks - that did it!
Yeah, it’s funny when we see those little things. When I saw it I reset my modeler twice, reloaded the layout a couple times, fiddled with some things trying to figure it out, then slapped my forehead, said “Duh!”, and touched those two settings.

Be sure to export your all-layouts file to disk, as it should reload correctly.
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