Launching Ableton W/ FM9

It can be done, but you will need an external MIDI interface connected via MIDI cables for this to work. The Axe III, FM9, and FM3 do not send self generated MIDI messages over USB.
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It can be done, but you will need an external MIDI interface connected via MIDI cables for this to work. The Axe III, FM9, and FM3 do not send self generated MIDI messages over USB.
Thanks for your response, I was planning on using a Widi Jack connected to the 5pin din and connected via bluetooth to my Mac.
That should work. You can assign control switches to one of your FM9 layouts and use CS MIDI to send the MIDI CC# messages needed for transport control.
Do you know if it is possible to set the CS switch LEDs to be at their brightest value instead of the Dim=off / Bright=on?
Ive got everything set up but this aesthetic bothers me. Not a big deal, but thought I would ask.
Do you know if it is possible to set the CS switch LEDs to be at their brightest value instead of the Dim=off / Bright=on?
Ive got everything set up but this aesthetic bothers me. Not a big deal, but thought I would ask.
I'm not sure I understand the question. The switch has 2 states. The LEDs represent the 2 states. One of them is already bright...
I'm not sure I understand the question. The switch has 2 states. The LEDs represent the 2 states. One of them is already bright...
Right. I would like the option to have the switch be at its brightest value regardless of which state the CS switch is in.
Currently, with the momentary switching, the led value is always dim except for the 5 milliseconds my foot is on the switch to activate the midi CC message. Having the LED be at its brightest value would help the switch LEDs be more visible for these functions.
Or at the least, the option to reverse the LED value so off=bright and on=dim.
Right. I would like the option to have the switch be at its brightest value regardless of which state the CS switch is in.
Currently, with the momentary switching, the led value is always dim except for the 5 milliseconds my foot is on the switch to activate the midi CC message. Having the LED be at its brightest value would help the switch LEDs be more visible for these functions.
Or at the least, the option to reverse the LED value so off=bright and on=dim.
Ok, got it... I can't think of a way to accomplish that.
Rats, im sure it's not something more than a handful of people would want. So I can't see putting a request in for that being a popular wish.
Ok here's a thought: since you it sounds like you don't have the CS attached to anything and just using it for CS Midi, go into CS Per Scene and on your preset and set the CS to ON for all scenes.

You'd have to do this on all presets so kind of a poor choice, but if you don't have a lot of presets it could be the answer.
Ok here's a thought: since you it sounds like you don't have the CS attached to anything and just using it for CS Midi, go into CS Per Scene and on your preset and set the CS to ON for all scenes.

You'd have to do this on all presets so kind of a poor choice, but if you don't have a lot of presets it could be the answer.
Forgive my ignorance, what will that do exactly?
Ok here's a thought: since you it sounds like you don't have the CS attached to anything and just using it for CS Midi, go into CS Per Scene and on your preset and set the CS to ON for all scenes.

You'd have to do this on all presets so kind of a poor choice, but if you don't have a lot of presets it could be the answer.

I believe that might trigger the "on" MIDI payload anytime a scene is loaded and it would only keep the LED lit until that CS switch is used.
The LED will turn back to dim as soon as you releases the momentary CS switch. CS per Scene only controls the load state. It doesn't keep it ON the whole time you're on that scene. Using the switch would make it follow the switch again.
The LED will turn back to dim as soon as you releases the momentary CS switch. CS per Scene only controls the load state. It doesn't keep it ON the whole time you're on that scene. Using the switch would make it follow the switch again.
Makes sense... I was thinking it would invert the function... But I'm sure you're right.
Ah I see what you are trying to accomplish. Smart. But I don't think it works as you thought. I tried and the LED was still dim, unless I did something wrong.

I can live with the small dissatisfaction of the LEDs. The fact that I can control Ableton with the FM9 is truly the thing that matters!
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