Later man

Give "what" one more shot??
This forum?
Your FX8 or AX8?
I missed something and am curious.


I'm confused... sorry it didn't work out I guess?

Good luck to you as well!

Give "what" one more shot??
This forum?
Your FX8 or AX8?
I missed something and am curious.


I'm confused... sorry it didn't work out I guess?

Good luck to you as well!


Definitely not an issue with any of my Fractal gear, I've never been more satisfied with my tone since taking the plunge. I'm simply noticing that my personality is not conducive to active forum participation. I felt that with all the help I received from the forum that it was only right to offer assistance when I had the answer a question or solution to a problem. Too many egos and know it alls to make it worth the effort anymore, I have much better things to do with my time.

I have no delusions that the forum will miss me in any way, just thought I'd say "so long".
Definitely not an issue with any of my Fractal gear, I've never been more satisfied with my tone since taking the plunge. I'm simply noticing that my personality is not conducive to active forum participation. I felt that with all the help I received from the forum that it was only right to offer assistance when I had the answer a question or solution to a problem. Too many egos and know it alls to make it worth the effort anymore, I have much better things to do with my time.

I have no delusions that the forum will miss me in any way, just thought I'd say "so long".

I hear ya... that's exactly why I made the thread "Don't be a jerk". I've noticed the AX8 guys are more chill and the AXE guys can get a little "jerkish" sometimes. This place is pretty cool for the most part.

Whatever you do, don't go to TGP the majority have the same know it all attitude and are kinda like the clowns on the first part of American Idol, and a few there actually know what they are talking about. Edit: plus it's Helix fanboy central... haha

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Definitely not an issue with any of my Fractal gear, I've never been more satisfied with my tone since taking the plunge. I'm simply noticing that my personality is not conducive to active forum participation. I felt that with all the help I received from the forum that it was only right to offer assistance when I had the answer a question or solution to a problem. Too many egos and know it alls to make it worth the effort anymore, I have much better things to do with my time.

I have no delusions that the forum will miss me in any way, just thought I'd say "so long".

Don't let it get you down. Just ignore it. I do. Quite often you see a newb come on here asking for help and it's definitely not very welcoming at times for sure.
Yea it is dissapointing how many just can't stop themselves from shitting all over your opinion or experience because theirs is/was different, I used to be very active on this board, but it's gets old fast when you're challenged every time you post, and the guys challenging you have used everything possible to it's full extent and are experts on all topics, subjects and implementations... lol.

Yea whatever.

So I agree. Pretty much just checking in for news these days.....
I haven't seen that much 'newb bashing' ..... the odd case yes .... but for the most part I think this board is a very helpful community ... mostly populated with grown-ups (as much as musos can grow up at least ;) )

No need to run sonofiam ....... just kick back and lurk for a while ... there's always going to be something interesting cropping up that could benefit from your input .... or you could just post the odd dirty limerick now and again.

noli illegitimi carborundum
Don't let it get you down. Just ignore it. I do. Quite often you see a newb come on here asking for help and it's definitely not very welcoming at times for sure.
Thick skin will take you a long way in forum land!
Been trying to let stuff go and ignore it but it appears my personality type won't let me. Not an excuse, just a realization. I've bit through my lip one too many times resisting the urge to speak my mind. I'm afraid to completely cross the line if I respond to some of the crap I've seen here recently. I've probably had a toe or two over it with some of my comments the past couple of months.
Been trying to let stuff go and ignore it but it appears my personality type won't let me. Not an excuse, just a realization. I've bit through my lip one too many times resisting the urge to speak my mind. I'm afraid to completely cross the line if I respond to some of the crap I've seen here recently. I've probably had a toe or two over it with some of my comments the past couple of months.
The ignore function is awwwwesome. Click user's avatar. In the pop-up window press the Ignore link. User goes away. You can't see them, they can't interact with you. Bliss.
forums can be tough. i've left and returned a few times over the 10 years or so i've been here.
Been trying to let stuff go and ignore it but it appears my personality type won't let me. Not an excuse, just a realization. I've bit through my lip one too many times resisting the urge to speak my mind. I'm afraid to completely cross the line if I respond to some of the crap I've seen here recently. I've probably had a toe or two over it with some of my comments the past couple of months.
ignore is great.

i also do something where i type out a full response. wait literally 2 seconds. then delete it without ever posting. it really helps.
Chris' advice is useful in professional applications too. You always have to re-read your response before sending .... unless you just don't

Also, the guy at the other end of the post may have some baggage that rubs you wrong but if you take the emotion out of the message it's easier not to take it personally.
forums can be tough. i've left and returned a few times over the 10 years or so i've been here.

ignore is great.

i also do something where i type out a full response. wait literally 2 seconds. then delete it without ever posting. it really helps.
HA! Yep, it does help sometimes to 'yell into your pillow' and move on.
On ANY forum that I’ve frequented, the start up process of being a member has some lumps.

On this forum I have not seen Shakespeare so although I swear sometimes I see:
...snark, condescension, rudeness, ignorance, etc....the truth is 90% of the time it is just the
poster’s style or lack thereof. And compared to ahem...well it does not seem there is a high butt head factor here.
Except for me. :)
That was all good advice. The IGNORE feature got me thru the wait list period for the AX8. There were a few , umm , well ,... A -holes lurking.

Sarcasm is a bitch to detect with text sometimes. I'm pretty sure some have thought I was trying to be a jerk , when I was just joking. Other times , they probably thought I was being a jerk , when I was giving my opinions.

The common denominator that brings people here , is a love for great guitar tone.
The internet is a scary frickin place. Most of the guys I see around here frequently , sound intelligent , respectful , and pretty funny at times. We'd probably have a great time "in the real world". Lol

I ; like yourself , try to help a little when I can , but leave the heavy lifting to the Axe-pros. I appreciate the help I get here , but I also appreciate talking with other guys that are passionate about guitar tone.
Stick around.
Best to just ignore it - I read a post a few weeks ago where the guy had owned "every studio monitor" and knew everything about everything in the known universe and beyond - such hero! I also bite my lip sometimes.
Also, there's lots of really helpful selfless people genuinely trying to help.
I reckon if you check in from time to time, help out where you can, and try strategies that help you ignore the self proclaimed genius' you may get and provide something good.

Been trying to let stuff go and ignore it but it appears my personality type won't let me. Not an excuse, just a realization. I've bit through my lip one too many times resisting the urge to speak my mind. I'm afraid to completely cross the line if I respond to some of the crap I've seen here recently. I've probably had a toe or two over it with some of my comments the past couple of months.
Hehe would love to see some of them!

forums can be tough. i've left and returned a few times over the 10 years or so i've been here.

ignore is great.

i also do something where i type out a full response. wait literally 2 seconds. then delete it without ever posting. it really helps.
Been trying to let stuff go and ignore it but it appears my personality type won't let me. Not an excuse, just a realization. I've bit through my lip one too many times resisting the urge to speak my mind. I'm afraid to completely cross the line if I respond to some of the crap I've seen here recently. I've probably had a toe or two over it with some of my comments the past couple of months.

I've been on this forum almost from the beginning 3 versions I think... though my contributions have been slim I have always tried! Sometimes I'm no help at all and I'm sure some have me on ignore as my posts don't seem to get a lot of reaction or likes but I still try to interact.

Sometimes people post things that are not exactly what I want to read but that's the part of being on a forum that has many opinions, they don't always line up with yours.

The one common thing everyone has here are FAS products and music and the want to talk about it!
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