Label names in Per-Preset Overrides


New Member
Hey all.

This is the function I want:
Button 1: scene 1 / scene 2
Button 2: scene 3 / scene 4
Button 3: scene 5 / scene 6

This is the label display I want:
Each button label ALWAYS displays the currently selected scene for THAT button.

Easy peasy to do that for one button: Toggle or inc/dec does it just fine.
But if all of the buttons are set that way, they ALL display whatever scene you just activated. (or two will, if two are set that way.)

Is there a way to get what I want?

(I know I can also set it for tap = select scene 1 and hold = select scene 2, etc., but still, the label name ALWAYS says Scene 1 (It says "scene 2" when you depress the button, but as soon as you release, it goes back to say "scene 1" even though scene 2 is the active one you are playing.)

I just want to be able to look at the displays and see accurately what scene is there! Doable?

Thanks for any input
Assuming you're trying to use the "current" label option, that's how it works.

There is only 1 current scene (or preset or block channel). That's what will show.

This topic has been discussed numerous times... There's no option to do what you're asking for.
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