KSR PA50 FM3 Settings?


Hello Everyone!

Just got a KSR PA50 and outside of the insanely loud fan (not mentioned anywhere) it sounds pretty fantastic.

I'm running with an FM3 non T and wondering about settings. Should i turn off power amp modeling, and what about speaker drive, thump, and compression? I tried turning the power amp modelling off and it was crazy loud.

Just wondering how people set up their fractals with this power amp.


I would turn off PA modeling, and adjust the levels to make sure nothing is clipping. I never mess with the speaker settings other than setting thump based on wattage.
It depends. I have an Engl rack tube amp and it sounds amazing with the PA sim on. The biggest thing I have noticed in the sound is whether the amp takes a -10db or +4 input. My orange pedalbaby demands -10, the Engl can do both; in fact if it’s -10 it can bump the signal if it’s -10. My fryette power station was supposed to be neutral and it sounded better at +4. I think the Engl smokes the power station. So ultimately, I hate giving this advice but use your ears and switch between -10 and +4 out on the fractal. If it still sounds bad then try the PA sim off. But with all three of my amps, the PA on sounds much better and has a much better thump. My Fryette was always buried live unless I cranked it. The orange sounds great but needs a +5 shelf at 100 for proper thump. The Engl is perfect. I am writing all this because in my humble opinion is your settings will depend on the amp. I am interested in the Pa50 so when you dial it in please write a report with what settings you liked best. Most of the YouTube videos say to have the hifi settings on but I don’t know if I trust all the videos I have seen. It’s just a guess but when you turned the pa off you might have had in the power section of the fractal amp with the compensation off. When it’s on and the PA is on, it’s much louder. It seems to depend on the fractal amp whether the default amp settings have the compensation on or off. For the thump I use the setting Leon Todd suggests and they have worked out great.
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