Knob A push-button gets too much use?


So I've noticed recently that when I hit knob A for the tuner function, I have to press it harder than I remember. When I press the other knobs, they respond with noticeably less force.
Could it be that that button gets used so much for the "Tuner" function, and in my case, also to mute the audio that it's now getting "worn out"?
I suppose I have strong fingers as any guitarist would, but I never press it any harder than it would need. Thus why I even notice how it's changed, since it bothers me to press it even a little harder.
Is it recommended to hit the knobs with a spritz of an electronic cleaner to maybe clean it out? (While it's off and disconnected obviously).

I'm coming up on 3 years of buying the AF3 Turbo in October, but I'm wondering if this is going to get worse a lot faster now. Anyone else have this experience?
Make sure you're not just being confused by the short delay that is caused by "Double-tap A" also being assigned to open Amp 1.
Tap once lightly, then wait and see.
Do you run volume pedal? If so, consider activating tuner on "heel down". It's pretty slick.
I do run a volume pedal, but activating tuner on heel down gets in the way of the minimum volume I set with the volume pedal.
I do like the idea of adding another switch to save wear-and-tear on the AF3 though.
Make sure you're not just being confused by the short delay that is caused by "Double-tap A" also being assigned to open Amp 1.
Tap once lightly, then wait and see.
I'm almost sure it's not that. I can press all 4 soft knobs and the first one responds only to higher force.
I know this because sometimes I'll press the A knob and nothing happens. So I have to try again with more force, and then it works.
That's happening more and more often, which is why I posted.

Is it recommend or not to spray some electronic cleaner to clean some corrosion out of the button? It's something I've done on antique radios I collect but I don't know why the buttons would be dirty this soon unless I just use them too much.
I would think if your worried remove it clean it and if that doesn’t sort it out replace it. I can only assume you know enough to do so since you brought up a cleaner keep in mind all cleaners are not created equal and some can seriously damage sensitive parts depending on plastic compositions etc. if it was me I would install a new button then take the troublesome button and clean and test it.
I do run a volume pedal, but activating tuner on heel down gets in the way of the minimum volume I set with the volume pedal.
I do like the idea of adding another switch to save wear-and-tear on the AF3 though.
Here's a tip that will help with the minimum volume interference you are experiencing there:

After you activate the tuner on heel down setting, make sure you go to the config tab of the tuner and set mute to OFF.
With mute set to INPUT or OUTPUT, volume is abruptly muted as soon as the tuner display is engaged in the bottom range of the pedal sweep.

With tuner mute set to OFF you will regain the audible lower swell portion of the volume pedal, as if nothing else was assigned. The tuner information will begin to display before the audio reaches its minimum assigned volume on the pedal.

Note - the obvious caveat with this setup is that your guitar will no longer be muted when the tuner is activated from the front panel!
Here's a tip that will help with the minimum volume interference you are experiencing there:

After you activate the tuner on heel down setting, make sure you go to the config tab of the tuner and set mute to OFF.
With mute set to INPUT or OUTPUT, volume is abruptly muted as soon as the tuner display is engaged in the bottom range of the pedal sweep.

With tuner mute set to OFF you will regain the audible lower swell portion of the volume pedal, as if nothing else was assigned. The tuner information will begin to display before the audio reaches its minimum assigned volume on the pedal.

Note - the obvious caveat with this setup is that your guitar will no longer be muted when the tuner is activated from the front panel!
It's a great idea but the muting is the reason I click on the tuner. I'm often futzing with different guitars, pedals, and cables and just got used to the complete silence. Maybe that Neutrik silent plug someone recommended years ago is the answer after all. I'll ask support about the button but I was curious if anyone at all has experienced the same with a button being a bit less sensitive. It works mind you, I just have to press it harder after years of use. Thanks for the advice everyone.
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