Just Received My FC-12

Ok I'll bite. Mine came totally empty. Only thing I can do is engage the master layout but even then the screens are empty so I don't get it. Master layout only gives me a way to select other layouts but each layout is empty. I built a looper layout myself, had no other choice. Would have loved to see the defaults to get ideas.

Others have given you the answer... My FC-12 came with a printed "getting started" instruction to perform the Layout initialization.

Maybe yours didn't?
On the Axe front panel, press Home, then E for setup, then hit enter on the FC menu. Page right all the way to Load Default Layouts, choose FC12 or FC6, and press enter.
Select a group of presets in Axe Edit, make sure you are not in a Bank on the AXE FX that is blank. The FC just mimic what is on the AXE in the default layout. In other words it synchs with the AXE.
Exactly. However if you change something on the FC, it should be reflected on the AXE as well, as they synch up.
Yes. The FC is just a remote control input surface, sorta like an old 'dumb terminal' keyboard/monitor. All of the programming of what the displays show, the buttons do, and any connected switches or pedals/knobs do is stored in the AxeFX itself....
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