Just got my SLA-2 today


I've been using an old B&K ST 140, an audiophile amp, which from old reviews it's supposed to have a "tube like" smoothness. As soon as I fired up the ART SLA-2, I noticed it was brighter, but it has more headroom and tighter bass, since my B&K is only 105w and the ART SLA-2 is 260w(?) at 4 ohms(my cabs are 4 ohms), so I practically doubled my power. Another thing I notices is the the amp is freaking heavy for a 1 space amp! The only way to test run it is at rehearsal, so will see who it goes.
eljodon said:
Another thing I notices is the the amp is freaking heavy for a 1 space amp!

Well, it is 500+W bridged in 8ohms - I suppose they could have used an aluminum chassis.

Also, my SLA-2, + Axe FX, + Furman power strip, + shallow rack case is lighter than the VHT 2/50/2 by itself.

Enjoy your new amp!
Thanks Ventanaman, the reason I got is because is 1 rack space. The sound is o.k, good enough for live performance, but my B&KST140 power amp sounds much better. I noticed the difference right away. The B&K is smother on the high frequency. I had to redo my patches so I can get it close to it. I think it has to do with the B&K is a Mosfet power amp which tend to sound more like a tube amp. But the amp is for home stereo, and I don't think it could take the abuse!
Ventanaman said:
eljodon said:
Another thing I notices is the the amp is freaking heavy for a 1 space amp!

Well, it is 500+W bridged in 8ohms - I suppose they could have used an aluminum chassis.

Also, my SLA-2, + Axe FX, + Furman power strip, + shallow rack case is lighter than the VHT 2/50/2 by itself.

Enjoy your new amp!

I'm new to the Axe/Art SLA-2. I've really just made one patch in an effort to duplicate the tone from my Diezel Herbert - as closely as possible. Through the Art, I'm pretty close, but not 100%. When I run the Axe through the Diezel's power-amp (6 - 6550s), I get even closer. I'm thinking I would prefer a tube power-amp instead. I was thinking about the 2/50/2.

I notice you have both. Which do you prefer? Weight/portability not being an issue. How are they different?
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