JP IIC+ Tone Page "Gain" vs Advanced Page "Input Gain"


When editing from the FM9 unit alone (not FM9-Edit):

Is the Amp Block's Tone Page "Gain" parameter the same as the Advanced Page "Input Gain" parameter? On my JP IIC+ Yellow and Red presets these do not match, but for the JC IIC+ Green and all other amps I use (Recto1 Red, Atomica, AC-20, Wrecker) they do.

Wondering what makes the JP IIC+ Yellow/Red different, or if this is a bug.

Attached preset for reference.


  • JP IIC+.syx
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That seems like maybe a bug...

I've never seen an Input Gain control. There is Gain, which used to be called Input Drive.

Per the Blocks Guide, the controls on Advanced Preamp Tone and Gain sections are there for "convenience" (because they're the same controls as the Basic ones).

Which firmware version are you using?

@rglr - FYI...


Should have tagged @m_brown here not @rglr
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Well, I tried to check this but I just realized to tried the wrong models... :(

Will try again tomorrow unless someone beats me to it.

I do wonder why the control is labeled Gain on the Tone page and Input Gain in the Advanced page?
I never use the editing in the unit alone...
but "gain" in the tone page is not "input gain" in the advanced one.
I was checking on the editor and it's a little bit confusing (JP IIC+ Red)

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 09.00.28.png

Screenshot 2023-01-09 at 09.00.34.png
I never use the editing in the unit alone...
but "gain" in the tone page is not "input gain" in the advanced one.
I was checking on the editor and it's a little bit confusing (JP IIC+ Red)

View attachment 114101

View attachment 114102
Interesting. It appears that parameter has 3 different names, depending on the page whence you are viewing it:

1) On the Tone page it's called "Gain;"
2) On the Ideal page it's renamed "Overdrive" and there's a separate "Gain" parameter that's unrelated; and
3) On the Advanced page (on the unit) it's called "Input Gain" but controls the "Gain" on the Ideal page, which is not the same as "Gain" on the Tone page

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