JP-2C with the FX8?


Hi All,

I was wondering how well the FX8 pairs with the JP-2C?

I would imagine it can tackle all of channel change, eq, shred features etc. without any issue using CC# as opposed to program changes.

Also ideally I would want to set up presets that would be more set-list oriented. Example being Preset#1, bottom 4 switches, Clean, 2 Rhythm and a lead, basic dry amp settings. Top 4 switches setup with a drive, chorus, delay etc. Preset#2 bottom 4 switches would be, Clean with modulation, Dry Rhythm, Mod Rhythm and Lead. Top 4 might have a different set of effects if needed on/off.

Hopefully that made sense but has anyone had any issues with this.

Also nice to see Rich_B, MusicManJP6, ShrediKnight, 6L6C some of the old JP forum members still kicking around, hope all is well!!!!!

Thank You
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Hey Matt,

I use the FX-8 with the JP-2C and it's awesome. I use mostly scene switching (simulating a loop switcher) sending combinations of CCs and Program Changes with each scene and using the PC mapping of the JP-2C. Sometimes I need to switch more than 1 thing on the amp at a time and this seems like a simple way to accomplish this. For example going from the clean channel with no EQ and the effects loop engaged, to the crunch channel with EQ1 engaged and the effects loop bypassed for that plugged straight-in sound (I also use the auto true bypass feature on the FX-8. It's about as straight in as you can get.) Sounds great.

I don't use much preset switching but I would hope what you're trying to accomplish is possible. (others chime in here!) It's a pretty flexible set up, between what the FX-8 can send and what the JP-2C can do with it.

Are you using 4CM?

- Chris
Hey Matt,

I use the FX-8 with the JP-2C and it's awesome. I use mostly scene switching (simulating a loop switcher) sending combinations of CCs and Program Changes with each scene and using the PC mapping of the JP-2C. Sometimes I need to switch more than 1 thing on the amp at a time and this seems like a simple way to accomplish this. For example going from the clean channel with no EQ and the effects loop engaged, to the crunch channel with EQ1 engaged and the effects loop bypassed for that plugged straight-in sound (I also use the auto true bypass feature on the FX-8. It's about as straight in as you can get.) Sounds great.

I don't use much preset switching but I would hope what you're trying to accomplish is possible. (others chime in here!) It's a pretty flexible set up, between what the FX-8 can send and what the JP-2C can do with it.

Are you using 4CM?

- Chris

Thank You Chris! I think the 4 cable method is the way to go in order to get the most out of the unit. It's been a while since I've had an AxeFx (5+ years) but I'm hoping my time with the unit in the past will help make focussing on effects a bit easier.
Hey Matt
I had helped Rich B hook up his FX8 with the JP-2C months ago, no problems super quiet with humbucker cables.
Until you get the FX8 in your hands and play with it it is a bit to wrap your head around, the board is extremely powerful ! Basically because those buttons 1 - 8 can be anything you want from preset to preset. (Everyone's needs are different)
As far as the head: go to page 31 in the JP-2C manual you will see a chart, with all the different combinations of channels both EQ's and Shred mode. You will also see a bunch of numbers to the left. You only need to be concerned with numbers 1-16. These are the program change numbers. These are also default out of the box. So if I want ch1 with EQ2 it's program 3 and so on. Never touched the program button on the head.

Depending on your needs what I have done for people is set up one preset per song, keep in mind allot of times I'm just copying a preset and may be rearranging scenes and making available different IA,s.

Hey Matt
I had helped Rich B hook up his FX8 with the JP-2C months ago, no problems super quiet with humbucker cables.
Until you get the FX8 in your hands and play with it it is a bit to wrap your head around, the board is extremely powerful ! Basically because those buttons 1 - 8 can be anything you want from preset to preset. (Everyone's needs are different)
As far as the head: go to page 31 in the JP-2C manual you will see a chart, with all the different combinations of channels both EQ's and Shred mode. You will also see a bunch of numbers to the left. You only need to be concerned with numbers 1-16. These are the program change numbers. These are also default out of the box. So if I want ch1 with EQ2 it's program 3 and so on. Never touched the program button on the head.

Depending on your needs what I have done for people is set up one preset per song, keep in mind allot of times I'm just copying a preset and may be rearranging scenes and making available different IA,s.


John, thank you so much!
I can't believe 10 years later you are still helping me out with gear, rigs, connections etc!!!!
You helped me out a ton with my first midi routing questions with my old Mark IV rig, the axe ultra and generation 1 AxeFx II.

Thank you so much!
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