Joe Bonamassa pick ups by Seymour Duncan


Fractal Fanatic
Any one have or tried the Joe B signature pups by SD? If so can you compare them to any other Gibson LP pups preferably classic 57/57plus.
Thanks, Don
I have a set in my '81 Tokai LS-120. Nice pups, especially the bridge. Sorry, can't compare to Gibsons.
I have a set coming, probably in the area of two weeks or so. Mine had to go through the custom shop for I wanted them in 4 wire configuration as opposed to two.

What they will be replacing in my 81 Les Paul is a set of Duncan "Seth Lover Recreations" which are also two wire, they sound fantastic BTW.
I had got it in my head to put some push/pull pots in and pretty much wire the guitar like Jimmy Pages, give it the ability to, split the neck, split the bridge, phase reversal on the neck, the last is put the bridge and neck pickup in series when the three way toggle in the middle. Number 4 is the one I would play with does not really appeal to me, so was thinking of changing this one to series/parallel on the bridge pickup coils. Type of thing would have to feel out on the bench.

Needed 4 wire pickups and did not want to take my Seth Lovers apart and was always curios about the JB's, so there you go.

Funny thing since then, have had a change of heart when I get them going to rewire the guitar "Les Paul 50's style" and I don't need the 4 wire for that but at least I have the ability to change in the future if desired.
Also I dont expect a huge difference between the SL's and the JB's since they are both vintage, but still the looking forward to a slightly different voicing on my Les Paul.

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