JMPre-1 Clean levels


Is everyones initial level on the 2 JMPre clean amps very quiet? I was auditioning a bunch of amps and when switching from another amp to the JMPre the volume pretty much disappeared, to the point that the acoustic volume of my electric was louder than from my monitors. I have to adjust my amp block level to +4db to get it to be equal to the other clean amps. Switch between the Jazz 120 and JMPre-1 clean to see the difference. The headroom on the JMPre drops right out.

Now is this intentional since its a preamp model and has no power amp per se? Also is there logic in requesting some power amp only models (EL34 100/100, Simul 2:90, VHT252 etc.) so that you could use two amp blocks, one with the pre-amp and the other with the power amp or is this easily done as things are using a neutral, no-gain tone of the 800's or the Triaxis pre into a flat Recto. I assume doing it this way though means you end up with 2 tone stacks being applied to the signal?

I just updated to 4.00b 2 but I cant say I noticed it on any other FW.
its a preamp model and has no power amp per se?
it does have a power amp - from Wiki - JMP: "The power amp is based on a typical Marshall 100 watts power amp of the same era."

Also is there logic in requesting some power amp only models (EL34 100/100, Simul 2:90, VHT252 etc.) so that you could use two amp blocks, one with the pre-amp and the other with the power amp or is this easily done as things are using a neutral, no-gain tone of the 800's or the Triaxis pre into a flat Recto. I assume doing it this way though means you end up with 2 tone stacks being applied to the signal?
The "pre" part of an amp model cannot be turned off like the power amp section can. It's been requested several times, but apparently not practically doable. A work around is to copy the advanced power amp parameters of another amp model (ie copy Recto power amp parms into the Triaxis model, but this is not ideal as there are likely internal power amp factors not copied). If running an external "pre", peeps often route it into an amp block set to the "Tube Pre" model which is quite neutral sounding, then copy power amp parameters into the "tube pre" model from whatever other amp model you like - but again, not ideal as there are likely internal power amp factors not copied.
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