JHS Show amp has been a Kemper

I think this just shows how far the digital work and modelers have come. I like watching the JHS show but some episodes are a little over the top...
Maybe he'll run through some FAS gear some day. Probably not though, I think a big part of this ruse was to sell a product for Kemper and Helix users.
He seems to love trolling his own audience. Not a fan.

I think it’s more about getting one over on the haters. This dude has a HUGE amount of people that really, really dislike him and love letting him know that. Have you seen the threads at that other place? Just bringing this guy up is akin to saying “Pantera Reunion” :tearsofjoy:

I love the guy’s videos; anyone that wants to make a well-produced video about the history of guitar gear on a regular basis and allows me to view it for free is cool with me. I feel like I actually paid to watch a wah pedal documentary at some point? I haven’t even looked at his line of pedals or really know anything about them aside from seeing them all over the place. He reminds me of a dude who grew up in such a wholesome environment that 3 cookies after 9pm is like, “Ooooooh, we’re getting in trouble tonight!”, like Flanders without the diddlydoodley.

People get pissed at him because he’ll do a video about a pedal then the pedals skyrocket to stupid prices on Reverb, like the Digitech DF-7 that no one cared about for what, 20 years? He pointed out how it could be useful and the prices jacked up. Kind of like Ola showing people the Metal Zone can serve as a preamp pedal into a loop and actually sound good, Metal Zone got gud all of a sudden, except their still made. Can’t really blame him for what people on Reverb do.
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Never watched him!

If you have any interest in the history of effects, check out the JHS Show on YouTube. He does whole episodes discussing the history of individual pedals/pedal companies and they don’t even serve as ads for his own pedals, outside of him maybe mentioning “We did our take on this pedal with the _____” and that’s really all he’ll throw in there in the midst of a 30-minute video. It’s nice being able to watch gear videos without feeling like someone is trying to pimp something.

An hour and 49 minutes of just the RAT-

History of Roland/pre-Boss with the president of Boss, Yoshi

MXR history

Maybe I’m just a huge gear nerd, but I love this stuff.
I think it’s more about getting one over on the haters. This dude has a HUGE amount of people that really, really dislike him and love letting him know that. Have you seen the threads at that other place? Just bringing this guy up is akin to saying “Pantera Reunion” :tearsofjoy:

I love the guy’s videos; anyone that wants to make a well-produced video about the history of guitar gear on a regular basis and allows me to view it for free is cool with me. I feel like I actually paid to watch a wah pedal documentary at some point? I haven’t even looked at his line of pedals or really know anything about them aside from seeing them all over the place. He reminds me of a dude who grew up in such a wholesome environment that 3 cookies after 9pm is like, “Ooooooh, we’re getting in trouble tonight!”, like Flanders without the diddlydoodley.

People get pissed at him because he’ll do a video about a pedal then the pedals skyrocket to stupid prices on Reverb, like the Digitech DF-7 that no one cared about for what, 20 years? He pointed out how it could be useful and the prices jacked up. Kind of like Ola showing people the Metal Zone can serve as a preamp pedal into a loop and actually sound good, Metal Zone got gud all of a sudden, except their still made. Can’t really blame him for what people on Reverb do.

Meh. I am not surprised. ;) Since JT seems to like him.... makes sense that I wouldn't. 🤣

Listing Klons at outrageous prices on Reverb just to troll the public seems like he has a little
too much time on his hands---like he is trying to get one up on the gear community.

Not that some of us don't deserve it. :)
Oh, and the aesthetic on JHS blows so HARD! He should spend more time on improving that.

"Let's treat our pedals like they are sketch pads. It'll be cute and unique," he said.
I wasn't a fan at first but Josh grew on me. He is very passionate about pedals and tone, and decided to go into business making and selling pedals that people are definitely buying. He's also got a good sense of humor and is very self-depricating.

Paul Gilbert and Andy Timmons have been on the JHS Show showing off their signature pedals and it has been entertaining and informative.

Josh has featured the Line6 POD and given it some love and respect, so it doesn't surprise me at all that he's been using a Kemper. I'd be surprised if he ever mentions FAS because, well, he wants to stay in business selling pedals. FAS has tipped the scale for me to the point that I don't think I need pedals or amps anymore...
Love JHS vids - some great comedy bits along with the gear info. Good pedals too - I have JHS FUZZ + OD - great! Never heard that he's quite disliked - seems odd, can't really fathom how what he does would draw in hatred, but hatred is a thing these days so...
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