Jamman in a loop?

No. Yes. Don't know.

Depending on your intended use, it might work better to feed the jamman from one of the outputs instead of using it in a loop. If you're running DI, you can mix the Jamman output separately (set it to 100% wet or use wet output, not sure how it's configured. This way it doesn't affect your main tone at all, and no risk of clipping the AxeFX when stacking a bunch of parts.
Don't use a Jamman, but I do use a Boomerang III, so the concept is the same.

personally I like it as the last thing in the chain and not in the loop due to the following reasons...

1. You would have to set all your presets to enable the loop and probably in the same place to keep things consistent
2. you might have stuff in your loop that you would want pre "amp and cab blocks" and you would probably want the looper post "amp and cab blocks"

Again YMMV and there is no right or wrong way.

Use what works for you


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