It works! $99 Windows 10 Tablet Running AX8-Edit

OK, resurrecting this old thread. :) I just got a Nextbook 10.1 for Christmas, and now I'm editing my AX8 on my couch. (Well, I could do that before, but I never liked using my work laptop for that.) Such a cool little device for running windows software.
I disconnected the keyboard from the Nextbook Flexx 10 and connected it to my AX8. AX8-Edit runs great on what is now a tablet. Response when changing presets or scenes or calling up different blocks or swapping x/y etc... seems similar enough speed wise to my i7 16GB MacMini. Backing up the AX8 using Fractal Bot was slow, but it did work.

The beauty of this for me is that I can now tweak and create presets on my AX8 anywhere. I don't have to bring it upstairs to my computer. That means I can have it hooked up to whatever system I have set up in the basement at the time whether it be my Bose L1, Alto monitors, an acoustic guitar amp, in 4cm with an amp etc..... This is awesome. And I have a decently cool Windows tablet and mini pc with the keyboard. I'll still stick with my iPad for most tablet use though...

Yep been using my Nextbook for AX8 Edit (and GR55 Floorboard as well) for the past 2 or 3 months. Like you said, slow but it works...
I've been thinking of getting a dedicated windows laptop for my AX8, for both AX8-Edit and for recording. I keep putting it off because I can never decide which laptop would best meet my needs; but the more I keep putting it off, the more I keep thinking that it's what I need to do. I guess I need to figure out what the minimum system requirements are if I want to use one for recording.
I just got mine a few weeks ago & im using a used Dell D630 put a small SSD in it w/7pro and loaded up edit it's a great back saver from bending over to the floor unit interface...
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