Is this normal?


I just powered up my Axe and noticed that I could play through my FRFR even when it wasn't turned on.
The volume is low, perfect since the kids are sleeping, but should I be able to play through it at all when it's not turned on?

I even pulled the power chord out of the Atomic, but it still plays fine.
I have it plugged in from output 2 in the Axe.

Should I be worried?

- jonah
i think you can get a small amount of sound out of any unpowered speaker with a line level source plugged in. the reason it's so soft is that the amplifier isn't on, thus not boosting the sound.

i think...
chrisallen8888 said:
i think you can get a small amount of sound out of any unpowered speaker with a line level source plugged in. the reason it's so soft is that the amplifier isn't on, thus not boosting the sound.

i think...

That sounds fair enough...
In that case, everyone else here with the same setup as I have should be able to recreate this "bedroom level" phenomenon?

- jonah
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