Is there any difference between "Global" bypass cab sim and just turn the block off?



I am starting to use power amps with real cabinets with my AX8. I also use FRFR (I have an Alto TS-212 and a Friedman ASM-12). Recently I acquired a Fryette Power Station 2 and I am just in love with it!

I know that it is better to disable the cab sim when using real cabinets. And I also know that depending on the power amp, it is better or worse to leave the "power amp sim" on or off. That is fine.

I was just wondering two things:

1) Is there any sonic difference between going to the global config and set the amp sim to "bypassed" instead of just shut the cab sim block?

2) Is there a way to shut the power amp sim on and off using the footswitches? That is just to experiment and to do A/B test with the power amp sim.

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