Is there a way to set the layout for a preset?

Jim Amsden

I have my default layout on power up set, and I am using layout links for the first 5 switches in the preset layout to select layout 7 when a preset is selected. But I have a couple of cases where the preset that should have layout 3 not 7. I suppose I could od this by using layout 6 for everything, and configuring per-preset overrides for each patch. But it seems like being able to select a layout for a patch would be a simpler solution that would work in many situations. Is there a way to do that: set the layout for a preset?
I have my default layout on power up set, and I am using layout links for the first 5 switches in the preset layout to select layout 7 when a preset is selected. But I have a couple of cases where the preset that should have layout 3 not 7. I suppose I could od this by using layout 6 for everything, and configuring per-preset overrides for each patch. But it seems like being able to select a layout for a patch would be a simpler solution that would work in many situations. Is there a way to do that: set the layout for a preset?
Per preset overrides.
You can customize any switches to do anything you want, on this preset only.
Per preset overrides.
You can customize any switches to do anything you want, on this preset only.
That won't get you to the layout on preset load though. At least not without dedicating a button to loading just this preset and only this preset. It wouldn't work with banking up/down and preset switches to load the presets from that bank, for example.

There's no way to say "when this preset loads, no matter how it's loaded, put me on a unique layout for this preset".

Actually, as I say this I have a thought: use the MIDI block and put a small MIDI cable between MIDI out and MIDI in on the FM9. Then you use the MIDI block to send the MIDI commands for "load layout X" which would get sent on preset load. That might actually work. Haven't tested it myself.

Darn. Looks like there's no MIDI for selecting the layout. :/
I'm not looking for a unique layout for the preset - if I need that I can use Layout 6 and per-preset overrides. Rather what I'm looking for is when this preset loads, select layout X.

My use case is that most of the time I what a preset to load layout 7, my "HYBRID" layout for scenes+stomp. I use layout links for the 5 preset select buttons in Layout 1 to select layout 7 when these are pressed. But there are some presets that I want to select layout 3, the Effects layout. I would like to be able to specify what layout to select when the preset is loaded.
I'm not looking for a unique layout for the preset
That's not what I said. What I said was: "when this preset loads, no matter how it's loaded, put me on a unique layout for this preset"

There's no way to do that with out dedicating a button to loading just that preset with a unique layout link that's different from the layout link you use on the preset select buttons.

Something like this would work:

Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 10.29.23 AM.png

So this switch always loads Preset 129.

And then you set the layout link on this switch to Layout 3 instead of Layout 7.

You can't do this with the switches that are selecting the presets within a bank. The layout link cannot be changed here based on the preset being accessed.
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