Is there a sonic difference between tube vs. solid state amps?

Not sure what’s older, I’d guess tube, but yes there is usually a perceived difference.
Yes, tube technology was first. Solid state came several decades later (40-ish years) as an ”improvement“ in reliability, amongst other things. For some applications, though, tubes remained the preferred standard. Audio applications are among those uses where tubes still reign, especially in the pricier versions.

Sound and feel are particular to the user, and there are never ending debates about pretty much every aspect of the subject. “Best” is in the opinion of the user. No matter what you like, you’ll always find plenty who agree and plenty who don’t.
So I got me a quilter amp mini 101 and the quilter cab 10". This is supposed to be high end, but I'm not sure if my cheap Ibanez mikro guitar is not on its level? Must I use a better guitar for it to make more sense?
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