Is there a place to discuss general effects information?


It seems there is random discussion about effects, parameters, tips, tricks, tweaks, etc in various subforums. Has there ever been discussion about a dedicated forum for effects? There is so much flexibility, parameters, and so many users have come up with their own ways of doing things, it would be cool pass this info along. Even discussion about when to use certain effects and what they do. It seems a broad enough topic, and one where a wealth of information consolidated in one place would be visited and contributed to often, not to mention the benefit to users.

Do we already have forum for this but isn't dedicated? Could there be a dedicated forum for effects?
Hmmmm. Just for clarity, I'm talking about a section on the Fractal forum, not a different forum.
I've asked this years ago...

I found some great sites out there...many pointed out to me. Especially ones that did 'kindergarden education' on FX. Much of it was STILL confusing to me. But there's no subsitute for the research and learning you have to do if you want to know the ins and outs of what each effect does.

I decided I didn't give that much of a sheeeit. I'm not headed for studio engineer, just a playa.

There is also talk of a section on the editor for an FX database, so people looking for a particular pedal, or high end 'verb sound, can pick up someone's version of it.

To answer your question, I don't really think we need it per se...a dedicated FX section. Too much other stuff out there.
Why not bring order to chaos? IMHO it makes lots of sense to have a dedicated subforum for each effects block. Having one giant pile of information in the "general discussion" section doesn't make it any easier to read up on the latest developments or search for tips and tricks.
I think most users prefer some effects to others, and having divided forums for each effects would definitely help to focus efforts in one place. Great idea.
I really like the idea of "Ten minutes with the "(insert effect)" block" video type instructional from Fractal.

Then have users be able to submit ideas and instructions on various blocks.
electronpirate said:
I've asked this years ago...

I found some great sites out there...many pointed out to me. Especially ones that did 'kindergarden education' on FX. Much of it was STILL confusing to me. But there's no subsitute for the research and learning you have to do if you want to know the ins and outs of what each effect does.

I decided I didn't give that much of a sheeeit. I'm not headed for studio engineer, just a playa.

There is also talk of a section on the editor for an FX database, so people looking for a particular pedal, or high end 'verb sound, can pick up someone's version of it.

To answer your question, I don't really think we need it per se...a dedicated FX section. Too much other stuff out there.
I believe there to be great benefit to researching and learning effects and applying that knowledge to the AxeFX. What research I will inevitably do will be done mostly, or perhaps entirely, on the I suspect most people will. What is the difference between someone, or a sticky in a thread, that links to a site with good information on an effect or googling and sorting through other stuff to get to the good one?

You know, you'll catch more flies with honey sort of thing.

Not to mention the AxeFX's effects may not respond exactly like the effect it is modeling. Learning about an effect would be beneficial, but wouldn't it be equally good, if not better, to learn the AxeFX emulation of that effect? Perhaps it does certain things better, or worse, or different than the stated unit. And who knows how many users have found ways to do cool things in the AxeFX that can't be done in the real world?

Information scattered all over the internet, or scattered around in this forum, seems to me detrimental to the learning process about the AxeFX. I mean, that is what this site is for, right? Sharing information about the AxeFX? Why not have a section for the FX part of that? Isn't a more knowledgeable base of users better for the product? Well, maybe not. :lol:

I mean, there is a patch exchange forum...but no forum dedicated to the most powerful aspect of the AxeFX...its effects.

Perhaps it has been discussed in the past and logical reasons exist that prevented them from going through with a section of the forum dedicated to effects.

Well, it'd be cool is all I'm saying.....IMO of course.
I'm not sure each effect needs its own forum. Perhaps maybe the amp sim could have its own.

While a "Ten minutes with the "(insert effect)" block" from Fractal would indeed be cool, I can see where there might not be time for such a thing and could be expensive (if done nicely). BUT, a forum for users to discuss and search for effect ideas or information would be greatly beneficial to AxeFX users.
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